Page 11 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 11

me and say that the patient had   PlayDoh sets with all the tools.   to finding more things we can do
            missed her medication. That was   She tells me what she wants me to   together as she gets older.
            my cue to check on things. When   make, and I make it. Then we hold
            I didn’t hear from the machine, I   our new creations in front of the
            was assured that Mom was doing    phone for the other to inspect. The   Give me a call if you
            well enough to get to her meds. I   most important part of a FaceTime   need help with your
            would set up her med cups in the   PlayDoh Play Date is not the game
            machine a couple times a month    but the conversations we have       technology – anything
            and would set up the schedule     while we play.  I hear all about    from email to smart
            via a phone line. After that, it was   her friends and teachers at pre-K,   homes - and I’ll get
            automatic - very handy and well   her pets, her parents, all kinds
            worth the money.                  of things that, if I don’t ask, she   you plugged in.
                                              may not think to mention. It’s not   Technology can be
            My favorite new technology is     the same as being with her (can’t   intimidating, but the
            video calls. You see, my only     get those heart-warming hugs),
            grandchild, who is four, lives    but it is a nice substitute between   solutions provided are
            about a thousand miles from me.   visits. And I can even occupy her   sure to make it worth
            We have discovered that we can    for a while so her mom can do a     checking out.
            have play dates via FaceTime on   little housework or yoga in the
            my phone. I set up my phone, one   next room. We have developed
            is set up for her, and we proceed   a closer relationship because of
            to play. We have matching         video calling, and I look forward

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