Page 10 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 10

                                                   HONORING SENIORS



             by Donna Alexander

                   s we age, there are many   visitor without having to get up.   the door using your phone and
                   challenges to living in    Think about this a minute. You’re   tell them to come on in. And, if
            Athe home we’ve loved for         snuggled up in your favorite chair   they aren’t welcome, you are not
            so long. Luckily, technology can   with your favorite quilt over your   standing face to face only inches
            provide some real solutions that   legs, a drink on the table beside   apart. Some folks suggest that
            help us overcome many of those    you, your dog at your feet, the    this gadget is for lazy people. But
            challenges.                       remote in your hand, and then      since the greatest risk to a senior
                                              the doorbell rings. You aren’t     is falling, the less we need to
            Some of these wonderful           expecting anyone, but you feel     maneuver in a hurried, unplanned
            gadgets make life safer and more   obligated to answer the door.     way, the better. Get your exercise,
            comfortable. The Ring doorbell    So, you put the remote on the      just not between your chair and
            is equipped with a camera that    table, throw off the quilt, quiet   your door.
            allows you to see who is at your   the dog and make your way to
            door via your cell phone. Some    the door which you instinctively   Another wonderful bit of
            models even allow for you to      open. There on your doorstep is    technology is the medication
            lock or unlock the door to your   a stranger - probably not a threat,   dispenser or med machine.
                                                           but you don’t know    Those things are life savers,
                                                           that. At best, all    literally. Speaking from my own
                                                           that is between you   experience, the med machine I
                                                           and this unknown      got my mother allowed her to
                                                           person is a locked    stay in her own house for several
                                                           glass door. Now,      extra years. Like many seniors,
                                                           consider a video      Mom couldn’t remember to take
                                                           doorbell with         her meds. But the med machine
                                                           an app on your        was programmed so that it
                                                           smart phone. The      reminded her when it was time
                                                           doorbell rings and    for medication. A voice told her
                                                           you (still in your    when it was time to medicate, and
                                                           favorite chair with   she had to push the big red button
                                                           the remote and the    to dispense the correct dosages.
                                                           dog) simply pick up   If she failed to push the button,
                                                           your phone and see    the machine would remind her
                                                           if it is someone you   every five minutes for an hour.
                                                           want at your house.   If she still hadn’t pushed the
                                                           If so, you unlock     button, the machine would call

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