Page 12 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
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Senior Senior
Nelson Harvey
Black Belt
by Megan Anderson
later opening his own karate dojo. but was very respectful to any who
He is a successful man in the karate crossed his path. He was confident,
industry and has worked hard to honorable, and smart. He shares these
make his students just as successful. characteristics with his students,
teaching them that you can get further
I was nine when I tested for my in life by living by these principles. He
black belt. But before all that, I had
teaches his students that you need to
I the rest of the school. I had to become practice these traits, not only in his class,
to train hard, I had to be better than
met Nelson Harvey when I was five
but at school, at work, with friends, and
years old. He is the reason I want to
the best version of me. At only nine
be a doctor. He helped me become
his school, there were many eager
a great black belt, as well as a better years old, I began working out five days out in the real world. When he opened
person. He taught me never to give a week for three hours a day, pushing students ready to learn. Mr. Harvey has
up, especially when things get tough. myself to be the best. I wasn’t the only dedicated his whole life to karate and
I started karate at five years old. Little one who was pushing for success. Mr. spreading his knowledge to others. In
did I know that this was going to be a Harvey was training me every day, 1999, Nelson married his wonderful
huge part of my life. I grew up learning often letting me teach the class, show wife, Barbara. They met through karate.
karate and competing in tournaments. the other students my passion and help He had called her about taking one free
I became the best person I could be get them motivated. Mr. Harvey sent me month of karate, and they fell in love
throughout these years, but when I first to karate tournaments in Dallas, New soon after. They have two children, a
started karate, I was super nervous as I Mexico, Oklahoma, and Kansas. I went daughter, Michele, and son, Phillip,
met Mr. Harvey. everywhere and gave Amarillo a new both of whom have taken karate and
name in the karate industry. competed under their dad’s leadership.
Nelson Harvey was born November
20, 1943 to Marcel Eloise Thurman and Growing up, Nelson remembers sitting I was lucky to be one of his students.
Rather James Harvey. He grew up in at home at night hearing all the cars go His teaching and caring inspired me
Amarillo and still lives there today. He by. When he went to school, he would to be the person who I am today. He
grew up with his father and stepmother, walk all the way, in his hand-me-down was tough but showed it with love
because his birth mother committed clothes. In 1962, Nelson graduated from and encouragement. My goal is to
suicide when he was just a baby. Nelson Palo Duro High School in Amarillo. He become a surgeon. I know that I am
has had many different struggles in his started learning karate around this time. going to have to work harder than I’ve
lifetime, but that did not stop him from Once he got his black belt, he opened a ever had to work to achieve my goals.
training to become a black belt and school. He was very tough in his youth Karate taught me how to do that, and
12 Amarillo Senior Link