Page 16 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 16


              HAPPY DAYS

                      ARE Here!

                                                                 by Brigan Ford

                  hen I began my career at Jan   You may have seen many of our 23
                  Werner Adult Day Care, I   buses, traveling throughout the city
         Wsaw a smiley face sticker with     transporting participants to and from
         a slogan that read: “Happy Days Are   the facility.  Safety is a top priority at
         Here”. I thought to myself, “Now, that   Jan Werner.  That’s why all of the buses
         is a positive way to start each day”. I   are equipped with lifts for wheelchair
         grabbed a sticker and started my journey   use, as we pride ourselves on our door-
         down this new path. Every day I am   through-door service.
         in awe of all of the things that I learn,
         and every day I realize exactly what   Once our participants arrive at daycare,
         that slogan represents. Some days it is   a light breakfast snack is served. Our
         watching the smiling faces between two   chef and his staff serve a diet-specific
         friends, others it is witnessing a new goal   lunch meal and an afternoon snack   Alzheimer’s and for those who require
         being accomplished by the participant,   every day.  We also have mealtime   one-on-one care. The activities and
         and some days it is a simple win of a   assistance available.            exercises are designed specifically for this
         bingo game. However, the excitement   Every participant is unique and has   unit and its participants' needs. Our staff
         of each day is equally rewarding and   different needs, so attendance can be   strives to meet every care need for this
         concludes with a happy ending.
                                             scheduled as desired at Jan Werner. Some  special group.
         As the Intake Coordinator for Jan Werner,   participants choose to attend one day a   An organization is only as great as the
         I have been provided the opportunity   week and others enjoy attending Monday   staff who stand behind it, who support
         to witness the before and after of each   through Friday.                and love what they do. Many great
         participant who walks through the doors   Recreational activities, which vary   things can be said about the staff at Jan
         of Jan Werner Adult Day Care.  The   from day to day, are essential to our   Werner Adult Day Care. With decades
         physical, mental and emotional condition   clients’ growth. Many light physical   upon decades of experience among
         that these elderly citizens were in, prior to   activities such as Tai Chi, leg exercises,   a staff of 65 including: CNAs, LVNs,
         attending this social environment, versus   Wii Bowling and Corn Hole are offered.    RNs, Administrators, Transportation
         the person they become once they have   Participants can sign up for the activity   Staff, Social Workers, Therapists, and
         been with Jan Werner, is the difference   of their choice and actively engage with   Dietary Staff,  Jan Werner consists of a
         between day and night. They blossom   their peers and recreational therapists.   team of well-equipped professionals.
         and learn to interact with others again.   Beach Ball Drumming Therapy is a   Our Interdisciplinary Teamwork is
         Many of our elderly become immobile   popular activity at Jan Werner; one that   vital to each participant’s development.
         and, unfortunately, stop socializing with   you must witness firsthand. This activity   Gentleness, patience and, especially,
         others. They do not leave home except to   originally started with a group of 10   understanding, are very important keys
         attend doctor appointments. Therefore,   people and has now become a Friday   in working with the elderly. On any
         attending daycare is recommended    favorite, with 25 participants. We also   given day, you can visit Jan Werner Adult
         by many physicians and is extremely   have activities taking place in our large   Day Care and feel the positive vibes
         beneficial to the elderly. The small   dayroom such as Bingo, canvassing, trivia  that our staff brings to this environment
         improvements you see in their everyday   and socializing at its finest. These are the   to ensure that each of our participants
         lives turn into huge changes. Jan Werner   moments when friends are made, stories   continues to feel loved and motivated
         Adult Day Care has been serving the   are told and most importantly, memories   and experiences “happy days” at Jan
         Amarillo and Canyon area for more than   are made.                       Werner.
         40 years.  During that time, Jan Werner
         Adult Day Care has provided some     Jan Werner offers a secure memory
         amazing services to the elderly of the   care unit for our loved ones with

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