Page 19 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 19

pastor because I also want to reach   experience his everyday wisdom,   have upcoming Olympic trials.
            out to all kids, not just kids who are   teaching, and sense of humor. Coach   That's Coach K’s greatest asset; he
            active in church. Going forward,   never passes up the opportunity for   trains each athlete to his potential,
            I will strive to help people reach   a good joke…  even if it’s a dad joke.   no matter how fast, slow, or average
            their potential and to coach those   Many of my former teammates who   he may be. As I am nearing the end
            who are looking to excel, not only in   have graduated still keep in touch   of my high school career, I think
            athletics, but also in life.     with him, and many even stop by   back upon the impact Coach Kirton
                                             to visit during summer running or   has made on my life. Observing his
            Coach Kirton has had a great impact   track meets. These individuals vary   life has been a blessing to me, and I
            on my life, but there are many   from mediocre high school athletes   am honored to call him my Coach.
            more individuals who have had the   to current collegiate athletes who
            chance to run track for him and to

            Article Submitted by
            Josiah Asbill                                              CANYON HIGH SCHOOL

              Josiah Asbill, a senior at Canyon High School, is the son of Roman and Angela Asbill. He
              is planning on attending WTAMU University to pursue a degree in Sports and Exercise
              Science. He enjoys track and going to church and learning more about God.

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          Healthcare System help in many different areas, including:
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