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Senior Senior
Cynthia Gene Beck
An Exemplary Aunt
by Cassidy Beck
Cynthia ¨Cindy¨ Gene Beck was the only woman in the program and
born September 24, 1963. She was graduated with a 4.0.
a tomboy who preferred playing
"Always remember Jesus football with the boys to playing As a child, Cindy attended St. Ann’s
Catholic Church, where she was
dolls with her sister. She always
loves you, and He’s with loved playing baseball with her involved in children’s missions,
and it sparked a lifelong passion in
brother, my dad. She started playing
you anywhere you go." softball at the age of seven on city her to help people. She was always
someone you could turn to, and
teams and continued until she was
in her 30s. Many schools did not she would do anything she could
have softball programs in the late to help others. Last October 11, she
70s, and girls’ athletic opportunities was helping a neighbor by feeding
were limited. At Canyon High, her cat and had a massive heart
Cindy tried out for baseball and attack. 911 was called, but it took
y Aunt Cindy loved Jesus made the team. She would have paramedics 30 minutes to get to the
more than anyone I know. small town of Joshua, where she
MAbout ten years ago, she been the first girl to play, but lived.
parents protested, and Cindy was
was diagnosed with Graves' disease, not able to be on the team. So she
which causes an overactive thyroid. played basketball, where she helped The phone call from my mother was
The doctors took out her thyroid lead the Lady Eagles to a State a total shock. Everyone was upset,
and prescribed medication. After a Championship in 1981. She was but it was my grandmother, Cindy’s
while, she developed knee problems, voted Most Witty and Most Athletic mom, who helped me most. She told
causing her a great deal of pain. of her senior class. After high school, me to consider how that Cindy was
About two years ago, she fell into a she continued to play softball on no longer in pain. Cindy had been
deep ditch and hurt her shoulder. a traveling team that advanced to saying for two or three years that
By September, 2019, she had started a league championship in Florida she was ready to go; Jesus could
going blind. Not long after that, where Cindy was awarded Most take her. She had done everything
October 11, I received a phone call Valuable Player. She earned a degree she wanted to do. She was even able
telling me Cindy was on her way to in Electronics at DeVry Technical to continue helping others after she
the hospital; she wasn't breathing. was no longer with us physically. As
College. Ever the trailblazer, she was
20 Amarillo Senior Link
Amarillo Senior Link