Page 21 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 21

an organ donor, she helped 40   always believed if it wasn´t for
        different people.             Him, she never would have
                                      made it as far as she did. She
        Aunt Cindy was more special   never focused on offenses.
        to me than anyone else        She just focused on helping
        because she always believed   people. Because of Cindy, I
        in me and told me I would     strive to be a better person. I       LONG-TERM CARE
        do great things. She always   still look up to her and want
        told me I was smart and       to be like her. I miss her tight   Choosing a better “home” for your loved one can be
        beautiful. She would even     hugs that would squeeze            a difficult decision.  Let our staff come alongside you
                                                                         and help make the transition as smooth as possible.
        remind my dad what a great    some air out of me. I miss her     Our dedicated professionals, caring community, and
        daughter he had and say how   reminding me of how much           welcoming environment will bring you peace of mind.
        blessed she was to have a     she loves me. I miss her telling
        niece like me. She supported   me that Jesus loves me, and
        me in everything and seemed   He's always with me. I miss
        genuinely proud of me. One    her words of wisdom, but
        of the last little bits of advice   now they live on through
        she gave me was to take care   me. When I face challenges, I
        of my car. In July, 2019, I   always think about how she
        was having car trouble when   would handle a situation.
        I was visiting her, and she   Anyone who had the privilege
        helped me fix it. She told me   of meeting her will never                      REHAB
        to always take care of my car   forget her, and she will         If  an illness, surgery,  or  injury  has  affected your
        right when something goes     forever hold a special place in    ability  to  enjoy  life,  inpatient  rehab  therapy  could
        wrong because it will save    my heart.                          be the answer.  Our team works with each patient,
        you money in the long run.                                       family, and healthcare provider to determine the best
        She said, ¨If you have a car,                                    treatment, with the goal of the patient returning home
        you have independence.¨                                          strong and safe.

        Cindy was the most Jesus-
        loving person I know. She

        Article Submitted by                                             Our outpatient therapy gym, Bfit, provides specialized
        Cassidy Beck                         RANDALL  HIGH SCHOOL        therapy for each individual.  We offer state-of-the-art

                                                                         equipment. a peaceful setting, and a non-intimidating
                                                                         environment.  We also provide free transportation to
                                                                         and from therapy appointments.  Ask your doctor if
           Cassidy Beck has attended Randall                             Bfit might be right for you.
           High School for four years. Her
           parents are Steve and Sandy Beck.
           She has competed on the varsity
           basketball team for two years. She
           plans to continue to compete in
           basketball in college and pursue
           her career in Education.
                                                                         For more information or to request a tour,
                                                                             call Kelli Bullard at (806) 350-2206
                                                                        or visit us at 6600 Killgore Drive, Amarillo, TX


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