Page 18 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 18

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          Senior                Senior

                                                        Wesley Kirton

                                                        My Role Model

                                                        by Josiah Asbill

                                                      retreated back down the    Coach Kirton has not only pushed me
                                                      runway. I took a deep breath,   in track, but also in Cross Country.
                                                      and then tried again, only   The mental side of running long
                                                      to end in a scratch. I was   distance is challenging, and I found
                                                      very disappointed, and my   myself mentally exhausted. However,
                  hen I was asked to write            confidence was shot.       Coach Kirton helped me to push
                  about a role model in my                                       myself through it and to gain physical
         Wlife, I immediately thought        As I was walking back for my third   and mental toughness. After one
         about my track and field coach, Coach   and final attempt, Coach stopped me.   particularly hard day, he told me
         Kirton. He has helped me to be the   “Josiah, you have already won the   that he liked having me on the cross-
         best version of myself and taught   meet. You have worked hard all year,   country team because I was a great
         me how to compete to the best of my   and the only thing stopping you right   leader, and I pushed my teammates to
         abilities. Coach K has helped me to   now is your own head. Just relax.”   succeed. This compliment meant more
         be successful this past year in my first   Encouraged, I knew he was right. I had   than nearly any award could have. It
         Varsity District Track meet. Going into   the ability, but for some reason, I was   blessed me beyond measure for him to
         the meet, my highest vault was 11’6”.   doubting myself. As I stared down the   pull me aside to speak into my life.
         This would have been good enough to   runway once more, my coach's words
         get me past district; however, I did not   rang in my head. I took a deep breath   Going into high school, I always
         want to settle for mediocre; I knew I   and ran as fast as I could at the very   wanted to be a youth pastor because
         had higher heights within me.       cross bar that had caused the doubt   I wanted to mentor youth who didn’t
                                             inside. Everything was a blur, and as   have a father in their lives. But after
         As I started clearing the lower heights,   I landed on the mat, I saw that the bar   three and a half years running track
         I felt as if something about how I was   had not fallen; it was sitting as calm as   for Coach Kirton, my vision for the
         vaulting was just off somehow. I didn’t   before. That day, I went on to clear 13’   future has shifted. Now, I am going
         feel like myself.  However, I ignored   -- 1 ½' higher than my previous best.   to be attending West Texas A&M to
         these feelings as I achieved greater   I realized that all along I had had the   pursue a coaching career, just like my
         heights. Soon enough, I found myself   ability, but I needed to learn to trust   coach. Coach Kirton was someone who
         staring at the crossbar that was 11’6”.   the training that my coach had instilled   reached out to all students; therefore,
         My first attempt ended with a miss.   in me.                            I want to be a coach instead of youth
         Discouraged, I picked up my pole and

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