Page 13 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 13

it led to my winning the Texas   I had ever worked in my whole life.    One of Mr. Harvey’s greatest
            State Championship. I qualified   Mr. Harvey pushed and pushed     lessons to his students is, “If you tell
            for the state tournament in 2012,   me to be the best. He knew that   someone you will do something, do
            even though I knew I was from    I would be able to win state. His   it!” It is always important to keep
            the smallest karate school in the   encouragement motivated me to be   your word.
            competition. There were students   the best and never to give up. His
            from Houston, Dallas, San Antonio,   inspiration is what is going to help
            and Austin. I was representing   me become a great surgeon when I
            Amarillo, like my life depended on   am older.
            it. I worked three times harder than

            Article Submitted by
            Megan Anderson                                        PANHANDLE HIGH SCHOOL

               Megan Anderson is a senior at Panhandle High School. She is a member of the high
               school band and FCCLA. Her hobbies include helping others, hanging out with friends,
               volunteering, working out and listening to music. She plans to attend Amarillo College,
               then WTAMU and eventually medical school to become an orthopedic surgeon.

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