Page 8 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 8
Harriet Powell
by Amber Hardie
n amazing woman, with Harriet moved to Amarillo where immigrants ESL and citizenship;
a heart of gold, was born she got involved at her current and she also leads a quilting group
AAugust, 19, 1948. Many church, Amarillo First Family of women, donating the quilts to
years later, she would come to Church. She began serving in the Amigo Center.
be known as the most influential children's church, where she has
mentor I have had. Harriet Powell, been connecting with the children When she is not helping at the
now 78 years old, is constantly for 25 years. Hearing about centers, she aids with other adults
involved, wherever she can, just her service and devotion to the and parents at her church. When
so she can make someone else's children, I went around and asked my mother, Amanda Hardie,
day better. I had the chance to some of the children she personally met Harriet in 2011, Harriet
interview Harriet, to shed some worked with for their thoughts became an instant friend, helping
light on the activities she does for about Harriet. The children had connect my mom to the church.
her community. answers such as, “She’s nice,” and Amanda said,” Harriet has been
“She’s kind and helpful.” Then I a faithful, personal friend and
“My parents were constantly went on to ask the children what spiritual counselor.” Specially,
helping someone, and watching she has personally done for them.
them be involved influenced me One of the girls remembered, “Mrs.
to start volunteering. I started my Harriet helped me advance my
years of volunteer service in junior quilting by teaching me how to use
high, also known as the years I the sewing machine.” Another little
could be trusted.” She began to boy added, “I once saw her getting
explain to me that she believed water for the children. Seeing her
in something she calls R.A.K. work really hard for them made
(random acts of kindness). Harriet me want to help her.”
noted, “I was able to practice
R.A.K. at my original home church, Harriet doesn’t just work
the Assembly of God in Fredonia, with children, though; she
Kansas. Volunteering allowed has volunteered at the Ronald
me to show my love for God by McDonald House; the Amigo
helping when I see a need.” Center, where she helps teach
8 Amarillo Senior Link