Page 9 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 9


        were planning also. These people    use a little help. If you reside in the
        book vacations and save money for   Amarillo area, spend some time on
        years in advance. All of a sudden,   historic 6th Avenue. We have lots of
        their hopes of experiencing Americana  places to dine, with outdoor seating,
        were dashed. Now, some are hoping   entertainment, and shopping for art
        for 2021 and some planning for 2022.  and antiques. Our motto is: Eat, Drink,
                                            Art and Antique.
        Owners of hotels and motels are
        suffering a huge financial loss,    Want some more fun? Take an
        along with curio shops, art galleries,   overnight trip west on 66 to
        restaurants, bars, and gas stations.   Tucumcari. It is only 110 miles but
        Car rental companies and national   a lot to see and do. First stop after
        and state parks are seeing reduced   world-famous Cadillac Ranch is the
        numbers of customers as well. States   Milburn-Price History Museum in
        and cities are collecting less sales tax   Vega; you will be amazed. Next stop
        and hotel and motel tax. That ends up   is the Mid-Point Café and gift shop
        hurting everyone.                   in Adrian. It is the middle of 66,
                                            between Chicago and Santa Monica,
        When will it end? Does anyone have   and a wonderful place for breakfast or
        a clue? Of course, we all hear all kinds   lunch; they are famous for their Ugly
        of things on social media, but we   Crust Pies. Further west is the ghost
        won’t get into that.                town of Glen Rio, Texas/New Mexico,   Blue Swallow, Roadrunner Lodge,

        On a positive note, more domestics   which was once a thriving community   Buckaroo and Palomino. Need a
        are travelling lately because they are   until I-40 came along. Three miles into   place to dine? Some of my favorites
        tired of being cooped up at home.   New Mexico is Russell’s Travel Center   are Del’s, Pow Wow, Cornerstone
        Some are going to the mountains,    and free museum at exit 369. You will   Deli and Kix for breakfast or lunch.
        the desert or into our Panhandle to   see some of the most pristine cars,   Tucumcari also has a couple of
        see Palo Duro Canyon, Alibates Flint   motorcycles, scooters, and juke boxes,   museums, including the New Mexico
        Quarries National Monument and, of   plus lots of Elvis and Marilyn.     Route 66 Museum and forty murals
        course, world famous Cadillac Ranch.   Like adventure? Come back east to   painted by my friend, Doug Quarles.
        It is amazing how many have finally   Glen Rio and take old dirt 66 to San
        discovered Route 66.                Jon (if it hasn’t rained). It’s one of my   Yes, Route 66 is being impacted big
                                                                                 time from Lou Mitchell’s Restaurant
        Feeling cooped up? Why not take a   favorites. On the south side of San   in Chicago to the end of the Santa
        little trip and get your kicks on Route   Jon, take the old paved portion to   Monica Pier. You can make a
        66! Our Route 66 businesses could   Tucumcari.  Tucumcari has several    difference; just support and promote
                                                               excellent vintage   our mom-and-pop businesses on the
                                                               motels including   Old Mother Road.
                                                               the Motel Safari,

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