Page 14 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 14



          The Place to Be


          by: Jennifer Jones, Executive Director

        “         e don’t stop playing       Amarillo High School building just   Research shows that older adults
                  because we grow old; we    acquired by Amarillo College. The    need to continue socializing on
         Wgrow old because we stop           Bivins Foundation pledged money      a regular basis to maintain their
         playing.”                           to hire a director and support staff   physical and mental health. ASCA
                                             to get the program off the ground.   provides seniors 55 and older
         There is a lot of playing that goes   In July 1973, headquarters were    fellowship through the following
         on behind the walls of the Amarillo   established in the offices of the old   activities: Bridge, pool, snooker,
         Senior Citizens Association, and this   AHS band room at 1311 S. Tyler, with   quilting, 42, Mahjong, Poker, Games
         quote by George Bernard Shaw has    Mike McQueen serving as the first    and More, where they play board
         become somewhat of a mantra to its   Executive Director.                 games like Chicken Foot, Mexican
         members.                                                                 Train, Canasta, Bingo, and so much
                                             By 1976, Amarillo Senior Citizens    more.
         Amarillo Senior Citizens Association   Association had become a multi-
         (ASCA) was founded to provide       purpose center for senior citizens.   We have line dancing and balance
         a community focal point for the     It began as a 3-D center – dining,   and exercise classes and are also able
         delivery of services to older adults.   dancing, and dominoes. Although   to provide free tax preparation to
         With the combined efforts of several   these three Ds continue to be a big   anyone who asks. We have provided
         community leaders and Mary E.       part of ASCA, today many other       free walkers to several in need. ASCA
         Bivins, who genuinely believed in   activities are offered daily.        takes small local day trips and longer
         improving the lives of older adults,                                     vacation travel trips for a nominal
         Amarillo Senior Citizens became a   Over the past 47 years, ASCA         fee. It costs members $50 per year to
         reality in 1973.                    has served the senior population     join. We also have a pot-luck bingo
                                             of Amarillo in a safe, inviting      once a month in the early evening.
         The pieces of the puzzle to create   environment. For the many           There is a library and a room with
         a multi-purpose facility for older   older adults who continue to live
         adults came together when           independently, ASCA is the place for
         community leaders Bill Saxton,      them to gather.
         who was administrator of the
         Bivins Foundation at the time, and   The mission of the Amarillo Senior
         Mike McQueen, who was with          Citizens Association is to help senior
         the Panhandle Community Action      citizens maintain independence,
         Program, put their heads together   wellness, and quality of life through
         to see this idea come to fruition.   programs and services that meet their
         Another piece of the puzzle was     present and future needs.
         the availability of part of the old

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