Page 12 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 12

and she was not allowed to drive   Their son, Burk II, was born the   I love their love story because it is
          with Burk to Lubbock either.      next year, just a few weeks before   the beginning of our stories, my
                                            law school graduation.  Burk       brothers’ and mine. Their legacy
          On September 7, 1968, my parents   stuffed their belongings and      is a part of my children’s and my
          married.  It was eleven days      his little family into the car and   nephews’ stories. I could not be
          after Carol’s 18th birthday.  Just   once again pointed it North - this   more thankful for the parents God
          before walking her down the       time with Carol, and their baby    gave me.
          aisle, my Grandad Snow turned     sleeping comfortably in a plastic
          to his daughter and said, “If you   bathtub between them (it was the
          don’t want to do this, we can turn   70s, after all).
          around right now. The guests
          are seated, and we have paid      Once in Amarillo, they had two
          for everything, but none of that   more children, Dustin and me.         This article is a surprise for my
          matters if you don’t want to do   My parents have spent their days       parents. I told them I was putting
          this.”                            getting up, going to work, coming      something together for the kids for
                                                             home, going           Christmas and wanted to include
          The                                                to church,            any thoughts and advice they
          newlyweds                                          spending time         would like to share.
          drove to                                           with family
          Amarillo that                                      and loving
          night and                                          those around
          Lubbock the                                        them - all the
          next day,                                          while, dealing
          enrolling                                          with all the joy,   From my dad                    ~
          Carol in Texas                                     heartbreak, fun
          Tech, and                                          and pain life    (a man of few words)
          both started                                       has to offer.
          school that                                                            “Love is eternal, straight from
          Tuesday.                                           We celebrated       God, and only He can give you
          After                                              their 50th          true love.”
          graduating in                                      Wedding
          three years,                                       Anniversary         “All glory is God’s.”
          they moved                                         by gathering        Advice on dating/marriage:
          to Austin for Burk to attend      in Lubbock last year for a fun       “Watch what people do, not so
          Law School at The University of   weekend together.                    much what they say. If someone
          Texas. Carol finished her Child                                        tells others white lies, they will
          Development degree there also.    I’ve used up all my words (and
                                            then some) on the story of how       lie to you. If they cheat on tests or
          While attending school in Austin,   Mom and Dad met and began          shoplift, they will cheat on and
          they experienced the joy of their   their life together.  In my defense,   steal from you. If they are rude to
          first pregnancy! Soon after, the   I love this part of their journey   those who cannot help them, just
          young couple also walked through   because it is foundational to how   wait; they will be rude to you. Pay
          the devastating loss of their first   they have lived that life, raised   attention to how they treat those
          son, Christian, when he passed    their kids, loved their grandkids.   providing services in restaurants.
          away at two days old. (Christian   My dad is a planner and long-       If they abuse power, they will
          was born on Good Friday and       term thinker; my mom is fun and      abuse you and your children.
          died on Easter Sunday. My         doesn’t take herself or life too     And if someone always takes
          parents took us to visit his grave   seriously. She is willing to help   the best for him/herself, they
          and lay flowers there on Memorial   anyone who needs it.  My parents   will shortchange you and your
          Day and his birthday each year.)  are both kind and deeply loyal to    children.”
                                            one another and their families.

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