Page 10 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 10

Burk                 Carol Whittenburg

         A Match Made in Heaven

                                               & Lived Out in Amarillo
          By Daughter Gracelyn Thomasson

         In the spring of 1967, Amarillo      It didn’t take long for their
         High School senior wrestler, Burk    parents to recognize that
         Whittenburg, saw a pretty, brown-    the two teenagers were
         eyed girl working at Wolflin Village   serious. Carol’s parents
         Drugstore. He just knew he had to    had no interest in this boy
         meet her. One of his friends asked   whom they considered too
         her for her name, but she wouldn’t   “big city” for their sweet
         share it.  Carol Snow’s father, Ernest,   farm girl. Her mother had
         had recently moved their family      planned on her attending
         to Amarillo from a small town in     Oklahoma Christian
         Oklahoma.  He explained to his       College and marrying a
         daughter that Amarillo is big place,   Church of Christ preacher.
         and she needed to be careful.  She   This situation was just not
         could only drive the family car from   going to do. Her father
         home to work and back again.  She    insisted Burk attend the
         promised her parents she would       Church of Christ with
         not share her name or address with   them if he wanted to date
         anyone - and she didn’t.  Carol      her. He did. (As long as
         remembers: “Upon arriving home       my Grandfather Snow
         after seeing Burk the first time, I told   was living, he and my dad
         my mother and her cousin, Eunice, I   respected one another very
         had seen my future husband!  They    much. Until the day he
         found it quite humorous that I could   died, my dad called him           Studying abroad in Spain the
         describe every detail about him      Mr. Snow.)                          summer after his freshman year,
         except his name.”                                                        Burk realized he did not want to
                                              During his first semester at Texas   spend another day without Carol.
         As fate would have it, Burk didn’t   Tech, Burk finished Friday classes   At midterm, he packed his bags,
         need her to tell him her name.  His   and burned up I-27 to get to       hopped on a flight and headed
         cousins owned the drug store. He     Amarillo and pick Carol up from     home early. When he arrived in
         called her for a date.  They went    school. She was his “North”. Not    Amarillo, he went home to pick up
         to see Monkeys, Go Home! starring    thrilled with this arrangement,     his car and again drove North, this
         Fred McMurray, at the Esquire        her parents decided to return to    time to Oklahoma.
         Theater on the corner of I-40 and    the family farm in Oklahoma.
         Washington. Carol was a 16-year-old   Her parents moved her younger      When Burk arrived, they went for
         junior at Tascosa High School. Burk   brothers, Kim and Eddie, back in   a coke, and he asked her to marry
         was 18 and a senior. (Many years     November, allowing her to live      him. Immediately. He wanted her
         later, Mom salvaged a “Coming        with her aunt, Oneta Errington, to   to enroll at Texas Tech and move to
         Attractions” sign from a rubble      finish out the semester.  She was   Lubbock with him in about eight
         pile when the Esquire was being      heartbroken to be leaving Amarillo   weeks.  Her response? “Yes! That
         demolished.)                         and her proximity to Burk.          will be so fun!” He gave her a large

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