Page 6 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 6
Tom Morris Texas Legal Legend and
Amarillo’s Exemplary
by Jane Bromley
them, but the Morrises “We were doing practice dive-
surely saw something bombing runs; I was ‘tail-end
special in Tom. At Charlie’. As the eighth plane and
17, he was named my plane were making turns, we
valedictorian of the collided. He bailed out, . . . but
Maypearl High School I tried to land my plane. I came
Class of 1937 and up short and plowed into some
attended North Texas pine trees. My plane was totally
Agricultural College. destroyed, but I was rescued.
He graduated with I had multiple fractures and
honors from the junior spent six months in the Navy
college in May 1939 and Hospital.” After his release, the
entered The University young pilot did a brief refresher
of Texas Law School course before being sent to
in September. The Wildwood, NJ in December 1943
dean discouraged him to join a squadron which was
because he had only going aboard the new carrier, the
two years of college, USS Ticonderoga. They headed
“nevertheless, I entered for the Pacific by way of the
the Law School, making Panama Canal in April 1944 and
uch has been written top grades. I was Dean proceeded to Pearl Harbor in
about one of Amarillo’s Hildebrand’s Quizmaster (Ed. Hawaii. “About that time, the
Mfavorite sons, but his Note: a role awarded to the Japanese were losing control
100th birthday provides a perfect best students.) I was scheduled of the skies and converted to
opportunity to celebrate the life to graduate in May 1942, but kamikaze tactics. By October, it
of Tom Morris one more time. . . . Dec. 7, 1941, everything was one continuous battle in the
He is a member of the Greatest changed.” Philippine Sea, the Philippines,
Generation, but he stands out as the South China Sea, Formosa,
a leader and a role model, even He had already enlisted in and the Inner Japanese Sea.”
among them. The accomplished the Navy Air and received a
lawyer recently sat down and deferment, but after the attack, “In January 1945, two kamikaze
answered questions about his the Navy directed him to report bombers struck the Ticonderoga.
childhood, his successful career for duty Jan. 2, 1942. “I passed We lost over 300 personnel, and
and his WWII experience. The my solo (flying) test in April the ship was temporarily out
perspective of anyone who and was sent to Pensacola to be of commission. However, we
has completed ten decades is trained as a dive bomber. We had were able to make it to Ulithi
worthwhile, but Mr. Morris’ about 75 hours in the “Yellow (an atoll in the Caroline Islands)
exceptional life amplifies the Peril” biplanes . . . and completed for temporary repairs and back
value of his viewpoint. the training in the summer of to the U.S. for overhaul. The
’42.” He went on to train in the Ticonderoga returned for the
“I was born in Penelope, Texas, Vultee Vibrator and the SNJ. “I battles of Okinawa in the summer
November 12, 1919, the second of got my wings in November and of 1945. Air Group 80 was newly
six siblings born to James L. and was sent immediately to Opalaca organized with four squadrons:
Alice (Jordan) Morris, and we all to complete training for aircraft 36 F10 Bearcat Fighters, 36 F4U4
grew up in Maypearl, 35 miles carriers,” then to Jacksonville, Corsair Fighter Bombers, 36 SB2C
southwest of Fort Worth.” Every Florida in December. “That Dive-Bombers and 18 Gruman
parent sees potential in their is where my mid-air collision Torpedo Planes.”
child and dreams of greatness for occurred.”
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