Page 43 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 43
precious fibers from high winds or trucks, which haul grain to elevators.
precipitation. Later, the gin's module Modern combines also have an
truck picks up the cotton module impressive computer array.
for ginning.
The Ogallala Aquifer's declining
I once had the opportunity to operate water levels concern folks involved
a module builder. I worked the in agriculture. For years, we row-
levers, moving the compactor "just watered crops with water from
so," proud of "my" cotton module. irrigation ditches. This system was
After several hours, my replacement, labor intensive and wasted water
a 10-year-old boy arrived. Stunned through evaporation and ditch
that my successor was a child, I leaks. The invention of low energy
felt humbled. precision application (LEPA) pivot
irrigation has been a game changer,
About six years ago, round cotton conserving water at 95% efficiency.
balers appeared on the Panhandle Farmers program the pivot's
landscape. These monster machines computer to put exact amounts of
have one to four computer screens water and/or fertilizer on more acres
displaying humidity, pounds of fiber in less time. The pivot notifies the
harvested in real-time, and more. farmer's cell phone if a problem Farmers conduct business in the
The operator can watch cotton being arises or when it senses precipitation. field using Smart Phones and tablets.
rolled and wrapped in yellow plastic Drones can spot-check crops, erosion,
before the machine gently deposits Drip irrigation saves water by or irrigation issues that we cannot see
the round bale on the ground. watering plant roots using buried from a pickup.
tapes with spaced holes, reducing Today, many young people want to
Modern eight-row combines can evaporation. Other improvements
offload corn, milo, or soybeans to include tractors, combines, and work in ag-related jobs. They may
buggies as they travel side by side cotton strippers equipped with a live in urban or suburban areas and
at the same speed. Then, these Global Positioning System (GPS). have no connection to farming. There
buggies transfer their loads to semi- are amazing opportunities for men
and women who want to work
in Ag. While it is costly to start
farming, there are other ag-related
careers. The experts at West
Texas A&M University's College
of Agriculture train students in
numerous Ag disciplines.
I've been actively farming for
32 years. I'm passionate about
agriculture, excited to learn new
practices that conserve water and
soil or increase productivity. It
has been a privilege to work with
amazing farmers as we utilize
innovations to practice good
stewardship, preserving the land
for future generations.
Amarillo Senior Link 43