Page 45 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 45

spirit. I joined the Boy Scouts and   • Be polite to everyone, regardless of
                                                eventually attained the rank of   age or position.
                                                Eagle Scout.  The values of Scouting   • Treat others as you want to be
                                                became ingrained in me and        treated.
                                                have served as guideposts for me
                                                throughout the years.             • Follow the rules of your family and
                                                                                  obey the laws of your community
                                                Regardless of whether you choose   and nation.
                                                the military, a trade, or some other   • Look on the bright side of life –
                                                job requiring specialized education,   cheerfully do tasks that come your
                                                I strongly recommend very broad   way.
                                                and continuing education.  Those
                                                who are prepared intellectually to   • Work to pay your own way and to
                                                meet requirements of a wide range of   help others.
                                                possibilities will be most successful.  • Protect and conserve natural
                                                The Scouting program gave me
                                                guiding principles for my life, and   • Have the courage to stand for what
                    veryone has advice for you   I commend the values they teach to   you think is right.
                    as you near high school     you.*
               Egraduation – your parents,                                        • Keep your body clean and your
               your teachers, school counselors,   • Be prepared in every way you are   mind fit; choose the company of
               and now some old guy you’ve never   able.                          those who live by high standards.
               met.  You and your classmates will                                 •Be reverent to God, always
               form the future of this community   • Do something good for someone   respecting the beliefs of others.
               and nation, and I want that to be   every day.                     As a high school senior, you are
               a marvelous future for you, and   • Tell the truth. Be honest; keep your   preparing to embark on an exciting,
               selfishly, for me.               promises.                         new phase of your life.  I hope
                                                • Always remain loyal to your     you will consider the suggestions
               Age brings a wealth of experience
               and, theoretically, wisdom, so I’ve   family, friends, and nation.  I have given, that you follow these
               collected a few suggestions that you   • Care about people – willingly   guidelines on your journey.
               might consider in the months and   volunteer to help others without
               years ahead.                     expecting reward.                  -Bob McGinnis
               I grew up in the rural Midwest, and   • Be a friend to all.  Offer friendship
               had an imaginative, adventuresome   to people of all races and nations.

                                                                                                *Scout Handbook 11th Edition

                                                 f you are in the 12th grade, you are   I now find myself nearing the end of
                                                 a Senior. When you age into your   my 86th year. How rapidly those years
                                              Isixties, the meaning of the word   sped by! I was married at age 19, and
                                              changes. Your hair is turning gray;   by the time I was 28, I was the mother
                                              you may have hearing loss or rely on   of three daughters and two sons. My
                                              a walker, cane, scooter, or wheelchair   formal education ended after high
                                              to get around. You aren’t as mentally   school. Financial adversities kept me
                                              sharp as you once were. You go to bed   from attending college and deposited
                                              earlier at night and doze off during   me in the work force. When my
                                              the day. In short, you have become a   youngest child started to school, I went
                                              senior “senior”!                   back to work and back to school. Night
                                                                                 school courses took up a large part of
                                              My introduction into that hallowed   my life for almost ten years.
                                              position occurred many years ago, and

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