Page 44 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 44

                                                   HONORING SENIORS

                     2 2                                           SENIORS

         Senior                 Senior

                                                 writing to                        SENIORS

                                                    IN HIGH SCHOOL

                                               Self-motivated learning really   seek information about each
                                               isn’t new to you.  You’ve been   candidate and making a decision
                                               doing it all your life.  There are   will be the beginning of a lifelong
                                               lots of things you didn’t learn in   commitment to your civic duty.
                                               a classroom. How did you learn
                                               to use your smart phone? Maybe   Right now, you are making
                                               you’ve learned the words to your   decisions about what you want to
                                               favorite songs from listening to   do after high school.  Whether it is
                                               your playlist. Learning new things   a job, trade school or college, there
                                               will continue all your life.    will still be many things to learn.
                         ow!  You’re a senior!                                 Most jobs require training. Some
                         What an exciting time   Many things you are interested in   learning is self-motivated, to give
                Wfor you!  I, too, am          now will change over the years.    you confidence in your ability or
                a senior - but my high school   Other interests may persist and   to promote leadership skills. You
                graduation was more than sixty   even grow in new ways.  For   may find that lifelong learning will
                years ago.  Graduating from    instance, I have always liked to   advance your career. Continuing
                high school might be the end of   write.  I began writing as a child.   to learn should be a goal.
                classroom learning, but what   I have written professionally,
                is most important is lifelong   and now, I am writing about my   This is such a wonderful time in
                learning. According to Wikipedia,   memories so that my family will   your life! As another senior, I want
                it is an “ongoing, voluntary   know what my life was like.     the very best for you.  My wish for
                and self-motivated pursuit of                                  you is always to be a learner, to aid
                knowledge for either personal   We will soon have the opportunity  you in understanding the world
                or professional reasons.”  Some   to vote in a Presidential election   around you and to give you the
                examples include practical skills,   - a first for you and a major   very best opportunities in life.
                leisure activities or hobbies and   responsibility, an opportunity
                following your curiosity.      for you to use critical thinking.
                                               Using your learning skills to   -Sandi McGinnis

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