Page 46 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 46

Those were some of the best years   senior “senior”. Hopefully you will   put Him first. You may not receive
              of my life. My husband took a   find them useful.               everything you ask from Him,
              very active role in the raising                                 but be assured, you will always
              and educating of our children.   • If you make a mistake, accept   receive what is needed from Him.
              Eventually, I was blessed with   responsibility. Admit it, apologize,   Trust Him and His promises of
              a long and successful career in   and try not to repeat it.     everlasting life.
              an industry where women were    • Any task accepted should be
              scarce.                         done to the best of your ability.  • To honor our country. Every
                                                                              person born in America is blessed
              Together, we raised five straight A   • Treat others as you would like to   beyond measure. Always uphold
              students, including two National   be treated.                  the ideals of our founding fathers.
              Merit Scholars, two Jesse H. Jones                              Respect our flag and never forget
              Scholars, and a Valedictorian in a   • Understand that there will   our men and women who have
              class of over 900 students! Each of   be disappointments in your   fought and died for our freedom
              the five is a college graduate, most   life. Turn them into victories by   and way of life.
              with advanced degrees, as are the   determination, hard work,
              fifteen grandchildren with whom   and prayer.                   • To appreciate your family. Family
              we are blessed.                                                 is a beautiful word along with
                                              And never forget:               the wonderful images it brings to
              I have learned a few lessons on                                 mind. Cherish them all. They make
              my way from being a high school   • To praise God. All blessings come   life worth living!
              senior to the exalted status of a   from Him. He will never forsake
                                              you. Believe in Him totally. Always
                                                                              -Jackie Conces

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