Page 41 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 41

having a normal, active life.        drives the car and mows the lawn, and
                                             Marion runs the vacuum. They still
        Blessings continued when they were   hold hands at every chance. Marion
        able to retire in 1991. They were    and Jessie’s home is still a warm place
        active in Eastern Star, Masonic Lodge,   sharing love and a hot meal. Everyone
        and Daughters of the Nile for many   walks in and feels as if they are the
        years. They traveled often and held   most important person in their world.
        numerous offices. This allowed them   A deck of cards can still be found at
        wonderful times with each other and   their kitchen table on any given day,
        their many friends.                  for anyone willing to play.

        In the winter of 2018, a Facebook    Marion says, “The only drawback to a
        post circulated with pictures of the   long and happy marriage is you have
        Cadillac Ranch when it had launched   to get old.”  Their love and dedication
        in 1974. In the picture compilation was   to each other can be summarized by
        a photo of Marion and Jessie at the   the lyrics of their song, Tex Ritter’s   An article by Charles Lohrmann in the
        launch party. Through a strange series   "Just Beyond the Moon":          July 2018 issue of Texas Co-op Power
        of coincidences, Marion and Jessie                                        magazine caught the eye of Julie Nelson,
        were able to retake the picture in the   Then together hand in hand,      a visitor to West Texas from Wisconsin.
        same location on their 67th wedding   We will find our promised land.     She directed it to Senior Link's attention,
        anniversary. This picture was shared   We’ll settle down forever darlin'    and the Kinsey's granddaughter was
        over 1,000 times online.                                                  happy to write the follow-up story for us.
                                             Just beyond the moon.                You can read the rest of the unbelievable
        Today, at the ages of 86 and 91, Jessie   I will walk just beyond the moon,    story at Search for
        still does the cooking, but Marion sets   And then I will stop and wait for you.”   "Double Exposure". (Photo credit: Wyatt
        the table and does the dishes. Jessie                                     McSpadden)

               All tours leave from Lubbock and passengers can be picked up in Amarillo if it is on our route.
                  Otherwise King’s Highway can help arrange transportation to Lubbock for a minimal fee.

                  Tom Walters Inc.
                                                        Contact us for information on our day
                  13001 FM 179
                                                            trips and tours or check out our
                  Wolfforth, TX  79382
                                                                   Like us on Facebook
                  1-888-420-3188 fax           
                  1-888-332-4315 toll free

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