Page 38 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 38

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          Senior                Senior

                                                       Two Women;

                                                       Two Role Models

                                                                                     by Claire Headings

         "She is clothed in strength and     Unfortunately, that plan did not involve
         dignity and she laughs without      basketball. She decided that it would
         fear of the future" ~ Proverbs 31:25.   be best for her not to continue playing
         This verse exemplifies my sweet friend   basketball the next year. Instead, she
         Kathryn perfectly. Kathryn is the type   decided to serve her community in
         of girl you want your daughter to grow   different ways, such as being an athletic
         up and be like. I have had the privilege   trainer and being a part of the after-
         of knowing Kat for four years now,   school program.
         and each and every moment I have
         cherished.                          During that time, another teammate,
                                             Sarah, also decided not to continue
         I first had the opportunity to meet her   basketball.  Sarah and Kathryn became
         when I started high school basketball,   very close, practically inseparable. They
         and we became teammates. Basketball   balanced each other out. They were
         takes up the majority of your time   sisters. Sarah’s warmth was infectious;
         with long practices, team dinners, and   people always wanted to be around her.
         exciting games. As a result, an athlete   She had no fear of the future and had
         often spends more time with her     complete faith in God. Kathryn took on
         teammates and coaches than with her   many of her qualities.
         own family. Your teammates become
         more than teammates; they become    On the first day of spring break,
         your best friends, and the special ones   Kathryn and Sarah were heading to   and faith. She is someone I look to in
         become your family. Kathryn became   White Deer to look for prom dresses.   every aspect of my life. When anyone
         my family.                          On the way home from shopping,      sees Kat, they are inspired, including
                                             the girls were involved in an accident   me. I believe Kathryn gets much of her
         As a freshman, it was scary being a part  that sent Sarah home to the Lord and   inspiration from her mom, Julie. Julie
         of a team with players all older than   left Kathryn paralyzed from the chest   demonstrated strength throughout the
         me. Kat never made me feel unwanted,   down. As you can imagine, it was   whole ordeal, enough strength to push
         she made me feel the opposite, she gave  the hardest thing Kathryn had ever   past her own emotions and do what
         me confidence and poise. After playing   experienced in her life. It impacted the   was best for Kathryn. For Julie, being a
         a whole season with her, it was so hard   whole community.              mother came before anything else. Julie
         for me to see her choose a different path                               faced tough decisions that no mother
         as she followed the plan she felt God   Kathryn has handled her situation   should have to face. Kathryn often
         had for her.                        with grace, persistence, selflessness,   talks about how brave her mom is and

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