Page 8 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 8
“Quilts of Valor” and began storing his 1970 Chevelle.
making quilts to honor The space was upgraded
living veterans. God was so that Cindy could move
answering Cindy’s prayer her sewing machine, the
to help her deal with grief longarm and all the growing
by keeping her busy. Even mountain of fabric out of
though she was still working the house. Eventually, the
Gilbreths added on to that
space, as Cindy acquired
A quilt is a multi- even more fabric and another
layered textile, longarm quilter.
traditionally Other ladies found out
composed of three about Cindy’s mission. In
layers: a top, a layer November 2017, a sewing
of batting, and a back, group was formed. The
sewn together by hand group of women shared her
stitching or machine. vision to cover every veteran
Often, the top is pieced they could with a quilt of
from a patchwork of Honor. The ladies originally
met at the fabric store Sisters’
smaller fabric pieces. Scraps for no charge, but
Some of the blocks they quickly outgrew the
utilized for Quilts of space. Cindy searched for
Honor are Pinwheels, a bigger location and was
Half-square Triangles, thrilled when she found the
and Disappearing Texas AgriLife Center. They
Nine-Patch. offered her a large meeting
room at no charge because
of the work they do and the
education they provide.
at Pantex and running her
household, she kept making The ladies meet the last
Honor Quilts - many of them Friday of every month from
going all over the United 9:30-4:00 and include young
States. moms, elderly widows,
She accumulated
fabric and a
longarm machine
quilter and a lot of
traffic in her home
as women came by
to help, to pick out
fabric, to visit. The
mission began to
overrun the Gilbreth
home. Cindy
needed more space,
so Johnny offered
the little single car
garage in their back
yard which was Four generations of quilters - Cindy and her
daughter, mother and grandmother
8 Amarillo Senior Link