Page 7 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 7


         and Texas Panhandle

         Quilts of Honor

         by Jane Bromley

                                                                                weapons tech and as the treasurer
                                                                                for the local AFL/CIO.  They
                                                                                raised two children, John and
                                                                                Shelly. Shelly was recently named
                                                                                top Memory Care Specialist for
                                                                                the state of Texas.  John joined
                                                                                the Marines, and Cindy’s nephew
                                                                                Esau Gonzalez followed him into
                                                                                the service of his country. After
                                                                                serving four tours in the Middle
                                                                                East, Esau was killed on foreign
                  hen some people think     thrifty women used up scrap fabric   soil at the age of 24. The traumatic
                  of quilters, they get a   to make beautiful and practical    loss was seared into the family’s
         Wvisual image of a little          bedcovers. Over the years, Cindy   memory as he was laid to rest in
         old lady with nothing but time on   watched her grandmother and       Panhandle. “His mother, my sister
         her hands. Cindy Gilbreth shatters   aunts load quilt after quilt onto a   Sandy, and I made a quilt in honor
         that stereotype.  The passionate   frame that was suspended from      of him. As I worked on it, I could
         grandmother makes a person tired   the ceiling. They would hand-quilt   hardly contain my own grief. I
         just listening to her schedule. She’s   them while they drank coffee and   could only imagine how hard it
         on a mission, and she will tell you   visited, and their husbands played   was on Sandy, Esau’s sister Sue
         it’s God-given.                    marbles in the kitchen. Cindy      Ann, and his young wife. I asked
                                            and her cousins would often play   God to help me get through it.”
         Her story began in Panhandle,      under the frame while the women
         Texas where she and her five       worked. Those happy times stirred   “After another Panhandle boy was
         siblings grew up. She learned      up a lifelong love of sewing and   killed, Sandy and I were asked
         to sew with her grandma Alice,     fabric.                            to quilt a red and white quilt top
         a prolific seamstress who made                                        that would be raffled off at his
         countless shirts and dresses for her   Cindy and husband Johnny moved   university in Oklahoma. I did it,
         grandchildren as well as scores of   to Amarillo where he worked for   but I still had to ask God to help
         quilts. These warm blankets were   Caterpillar for 47 years, and Cindy   me get through the grief.” The
         much more common back then as      worked for Pantex for 30 years as a   sisters discovered a group called

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