Page 12 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 12
Bob Dempsey Climbing the Ladder
By Maj. General (Ret.) Bob Dempsey
determining factor regarding completion of pilot training,
college. My mother had ruled I was assigned to Shaw AFB,
out West Point and Annapolis as South Carolina for training in
being too far away, even though the RF-4C. It was there that one
I had been accepted at both, but of several fortuitous events of
suddenly, there was the US Air my career occurred. I was not
Force Academy in Colorado. initially deployed to Vietnam,
Great looking uniform! That was and the Wing Commander at
close enough, so I applied. My that time chose to have one of
main motivation turned out to the young aviators, who was
be a local judge who declined to waiting for assignment, serve
recommend me, saying, “No kid as his Wing Executive Officer.
from this school will get into that I was selected and served in
place.” that capacity, flying as much as
Even after arriving at the Air possible, accumulating hours to
Force Academy, I was still in qualify for an upgrade to Aircraft
would like to be able to say Commander. My request for
that I had wanted to be a the mode of just doing what early upgrade to the front
I pilot from my earliest age was required, but the super- seat was approved soon, and I
– but that would not be true. I competitive environment there went to Vietnam as an Aircraft
do remember that my favorite slowly began to affect me. I did Commander. I was married with
“toys” were the hand saw and not want to fail, so I actually a son when I went to Vietnam
the hydraulic jack, so I was not began trying to study, with and gained a daughter while
exactly a favorite among adults. mixed results. there.
I frankly do not remember what The first year, particularly the
I wanted to be, and so it was summer basic cadet training, was In Vietnam, I upgraded to IP
through most of my school years. not fun, but we made memories. (Instructor Pilot) and flew 201
For example, we learned to
I attended school in greater
Floydada, Texas (population follow even the most mundane
around 4,000) where I was pretty orders when, after failing initially
good at everything – grades, to pick up our first delivery from
sports, trumpet, scouts – but not the laundry (affectionally known
great at anything. I graduated as the Denver Destroyers), we
fourth in a class of about 60 but DID pick it up - in fatigues and
with poor (read nonexistent) combat boots and hauling rifles
study habits, as I would soon - at Cathedral Rock, about four
discover. miles away, at 7200 feet altitude.
Following graduation from the
I had some scholarship help from
my National Merit Scholarship Air Force Academy, I proceeded
scores and some from music to pilot training at Webb Air
(trumpet), but cost was still the Force Base, Texas, and upon
12 Amarillo Senior Link