Page 39 - Amarrilo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 39

             miracle that our Marines were      followed because she could tell    there were
             able to take the island. I could   something was bothering him. He    no enemy
             not have been prouder than I       told her he was really dreading    subs along
             was on the morning of February     returning to the ship because he   the route.
             23, 1945 when I watched them       felt something awful was going to
             raise the American flag on Mount   happen. His mother said, “I wish   On July 30, a few minutes past
             Suribachi.                         I could go with you, but I can’t,   midnight, a Japanese submarine
                                                but we know who can.” Her son      torpedoed the Indianapolis. It sank
             “On the morning of March           answered, “Yes, Mama. Jesus can    in only 12 minutes. An order was
             31, 1945, we were hit by a         go with me.”                       given to abandon ship. Of the
             kamikaze…                                                             1195 men on board, it is estimated
             and sent to dry                                  He returned          that 300 went down with it.
             dock for major        “He spent the next         to the ship in       The 880 others jumped into the
             repairs.” Cleatus     five days and nights       California, and      fuel-covered ocean. There were
             was able to go          clinging to a net        unbeknownst to       only a few rubber rafts; most just
             home on leave          with 80 other men         any of its crew, it   clung to debris. Many were badly
             to Abernathy          watching hundreds          would be carrying    burned, and a number died from
             in June. He            of sharks swarm           the components of    shark attacks. There was no food
             vividly recalls         beneath them. “          the atomic bomb      or fresh water available to sustain
             the conversation                                 that would soon      them in the ocean.
             he had with                                      be dropped on
             his mother just                                  Hiroshima. After     Because Cleatus had passed
             before his return to the ship.     delivering the top-secret cargo to   a test for a promotion the day
             He had been playing a game of      Tinian Island, the Indianapolis left   before, he had been asked by
             touch football with his brothers   for the Philippines. Capt. McVay   his division officer to move to
             and sisters in the front yard and   had requested an escort ship but   forward quarters, but he was
             went into the house. His mother    was told not to worry because      given permission to postpone it a
                                                                                            day. He remembers, “I
                                                                                            was in my bunk when
                                                                                            we were hit. If I’d been
                                                                                            in the one up forward,
                                                                                            I would never have
                                                                                            seen another morning
                                                                                            on this earth. Our after
                                                                                            compartment was not
                                                                                            damaged by the blast
                                                                                            so I was able to slip
                                                                                            on my clothes before
                                                                                            I went up to the main
                                                                                            deck. I started passing
                                                                                            out lifejackets and put
                                                                                            one on myself. Smitty
                                                                                            and Gaither and I went

                                   “What a sleek good-looking ship.”

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