Page 35 - Amarrilo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 35

carrying all of the donations begin   working household
        the 50CC (50 hours from coast to   learning the many
        coast) run.  They arrive in Myrtle   benefits of hard
        Beach, South Carolina in less than   work. However,
        50 hours.  They spend the next three   he also recognizes
        days attending rallies to celebrate   the benefits of
        their achievements and continue    higher education
        gathering donations.  My Papa      and its impact on
        strives to find positive ways to   one’s stability.
        impact negative situations, and this   I believe this is
        is one of those moments that does   why he constantly
        just that.                         encourages me
                                           and tells me how
        My grandfather, as well as my      proud he is of
        parents and the influence he has   me for academic
        had on them, has spoken so much    accomplishments.                   said, “To value life in general.  It is
        into my life and shaped me into    My Papa has faced many hardships   not just about the unborn, but all
        the person I have become today.    including losing his job while     mankind… all ages… and walks
        He believes in respecting others no   supporting his own family of five. As   of life.  No one is less valuable
        matter their social standing.  This   he grows older, the thing my Papa   than anyone else.”  To me, that is a
        impacts me deeply. While I have    wants most for our generation is   great summary of my Papa.  He is
        been given more opportunities      for us to remember our morals and   someone who loves ALL mankind…
        than I could ever ask for in my life,   to never compromise them.  When   someone I aspire to follow and
        he shows me how to serve those     I asked him what he would like to   emulate.
        less fortunate.  He grew up in a   pass on to the next generation, he

         Article Submitted by
         Sean Reilly                                                 RANDALL HIGH SCHOOL

           Sean Reilly attends Randall High School.  His parents are Jim and Sasha Reilly.  When he
           graduates, he plans to attend Texas A&M University and pursue a degree in Biochemistry.
           His long-term goal is to attend medical school and become a physician.

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