Page 34 - Amarrilo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 34
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Senior Senior
Gary Burd
Loving the
Least of These
by Sean Reilly
ometimes the greatest blessings Pow-Wow for the Native Americans
in our lives are the people in which he raised the money to
Sand the moments that impact purchase a horse to give away and
our inner souls. It is not the great volunteered to pick up trash during
accomplishments we acquire or the their event. In addition, each year he
material possessions we obtain, rather does something to raise awareness
the value of the gifts given to us and touch the Jewish community.
that have eternal value. I have been
impacted by many, but one man, For two years, my Papa stood in
Gary Burd, stands tall in my heart. I Washington D.C. at the March For
am proud to call him Papa. My Papa Life standing against abortion. He
has devoted his life and mission to had a desire to do more, specifically
loving the “least of these.” His love for those directly affected. The Royal
for them has action and movement. Home Ministry, in Falcon, North
He has not only raised awareness Carolina, assists girls choosing life
but has sacrificed time, money and over death for their unborn children
being misunderstood so that others but have no financial or family
can know and experience a true love support. These girls receive assistance
impacting their eternal souls. to parent while finishing their
I have heard my Papa talk about his collecting donations of diapers, wipes,
core belief, “You only truly believe For four years, my Papa has blankets and monetary gifts for Royal
that which motivates you into action.” coordinated the 50CC Diaper Run. A Home Ministries. All donations are
I’ve had the privilege of watching him group of men and women mount their collected in a trailer following the
walk that out. He has spent his life motorcycles in Memphis, Tennessee motorcycles across the nation. Once
reaching out to the overlooked people setting out for a seven-day ride to they arrive in Bakersfield, California,
groups in our society. He created Bakersfield, California. At the end the group gathers for one last night
a camp for children, called Free of each day of their journey, the of rest. The next morning, the team
Camp, to eliminate social, economic riders are hosted and fed by a local of motorcycles, the truck, and trailer
and racial barriers. He attended a church. The heart of each stop is
34 Amarillo Senior Link