Page 36 - Amarrilo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
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Senior Senior
Brenda Batterman
A Tribute to My Aunt
by Victoria Rose Perez
D ear Brenda, who I am - the person who inspired I never wore the jewelry. I hoped you’d
to meet the woman who made me
never know.
I was thinking about you
the phone.
maybe you could inspire them too.
the other day, I found your and taught me so much - so that I regret so much now - like not talking on
old coffee mug that says, “Don’t talk You meant so much to me. You still
to me until I’ve had my coffee.” I do. You always will. The world was so Spending time to gossip and feeling less
remembered how you drank your much brighter with you in it. It feels alone.
coffee every day, plain with no sugar different - void even. Sometimes I call you, though I know you
or creamer. I remembered that you won’t be there.
would often make me malt-o-meal or The flowers and the trees seem sadder. So, I’ll listen to your voicemail, and then
poached eggs for breakfast. I thought The sky looks less blue. say how much I cared.
about how you taught me Math, how The world around me doesn’t matter. I’ll tell you about my day and how things
to read, how to write, how to color It’s not the same without you. have felt so bleak.
inside the lines and how to draw 3-D Remember when you told me that I would continue talking, hoping that at
shapes. You taught me manners and when it rains, it’s because God is some point, I would hear you speak.
kindness, how to love wholly and crying? Today, the clouds are swollen Once I’ve told you everything, and it’s
unconditionally and to forgive those with tears. I don’t think God is crying time to tell you “Bye”,
who can’t forgive themselves. By the because he’s sad He took you so soon. I say “I love you” then hang up, and I
time I was old enough to go to school, I think He’s crying because He sees begin to cry.
I was totally prepared. When I was my broken heart. It’s different without you, Brenda, too
upset or scared or worried, you were different to describe.
there, and you were my anchor to I hate this new reality where you’re not This hole I have inside me now feels as if
happiness and faith and hope. You calling me I’ve died.
showed me the good in the world and during school and when I get home and I remembered you wrote poetry.
you warned me about the bad. You always trying to give me clothes and You used to write about feeling sad
were the person I wanted to talk about jewelry. sometimes, or about things you
to my friends and whom I wanted to Although I rarely answered. I wouldn’t loved. It was so beautiful. You wrote
introduce to everyone. I wanted them keep the clothes. about me once. You called me your
36 Amarillo Senior Link