Page 43 - Amarrilo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 43

She was admitted to a TB           Office Manager for a supervisor    Surgery the next morning
           sanitarium in Tahlequah, OK.       position in Borger Southwestern    revealed a burst appendix that
           Daddy needed help, so he asked     Bell which later included the      was somehow contained in sacks.
           his sister and her three daughters   Pampa Business Office as well.    Otherwise she would have died.
           to move in with the family for a   Never a quitter, Joy gave thirty-  She remembers beginning to quote
           season.  Joy was only seven when   three years, seven months and      the 23rd Psalm just prior to the
           she lost her mother.  Mama died,   six days of joyful service before   operation.  The assisting physician
           but Joy’s delight with life did not.   retiring July 7, 1981.         after the surgery was talking to
                                                                                 Joy’s stepdaughter, Mary Kathryn,
           Daddy remarried and took a         Retired but not idle, Joy became   “She didn’t have cancer, but she
           different job which required       a dedicated, hardworking           may die yet.”  Her stepdaughter
           frequent moves.  When Joy was in   volunteer, as an interviewer       answered, “You don’t know her.
           the seventh grade, she attended    with High Plains Helping Hands     She will live.”  And she did.
           five different schools.  Life wasn’t   for about two and a half years.
           easy, but nothing uprooted her     She resigned after Jack lost his   For Joy, life is still the best deal
           deep-seated joy.  They were in     battle with depression. His death   in town.  She loves to read, bake,
           Ardmore when the call came         reminded Joy to focus on what      crochet, surf the internet.  She
           for metals for the World War II    she had left rather than what she   is active in church, a long time
           effort.  The children gathered iron   had lost. But life happens ready or   Sunday School teacher and a great
           and other metals in addition to    not, and it often comes with full   supporter of St. Andrew UMC and
           newspapers and magazines.  She     force and little or no mercy. She   encourager to all.  Before hip and
           recalls the rationing of sugar,    resumed volunteer work in 1997     knee surgeries, Joy thoroughly
           flour, shoes, etc.  Many donated   as food dispenser in the kitchen   enjoyed golf, bowling, and pool.
           their waist-length long hair and   and member of the board.           She may be down, but she is
           sported pixie-style cuts. Most                                        definitely not out. Joy has an
           people were poor, but nothing      It was a Thursday in 1998 when     uncompromising determination.
           could darken Joy’s hopeful         Joy became ill. Just a stomach     She begins each day with this
           approach to life.                  virus, she supposed. She was       prayer: “Lord, let me cause no
                                              to host Home Parents of the        harm nor come to no harm.” He’s
            After high school graduation in   Youngblood Unit of the Methodist   answered that prayer over and
           1947, Joy went to work at F.W.     Home for Children out of Waco.     over.
           Woolworth, then on to SWBT         They would be with her for a
           Company, now known as AT&T.        week. When they arrived, Joy       What’s in a name?  Her name is
           Her transfer to Pampa in 1950      had already been in bed for a      Joy, and she has caught hold of
           brought her closer to family, and   week with fever.  She turned      the truth of living to the fullest.
           she became a telephone operator.    the house over to them and kept   “The joy of the Lord is your
           (“Number please, thank you.”)      her distance.  Another week        strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) She
           She became a supervisor and        slipped by before she consulted    is strong; she is tough, but she is
           moved up to Chief Operator. Joy    a physician. He rushed her         also gentle. Nothing brightens a
           was even named Pampa Boss of       off to Amarillo for tests. She     gray day like a little time with Joy
           the Year.                          overheard the doctor making the    Elmore, sprinkled with love and
                                              appointment, “I have a tough old   laughter.  And everyone can use a
           Joy married Jack Elmore in 1965    broad here…”  As it turned out,    little internal jogging.
           and settled down in Phillips, TX.   he did.
           She was recruited by the Business

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