Page 10 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2021 - Online Magazine
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involved in sports and band. One
of her greatest memories was when
Susan Hayes she found out she was getting a
baby sister (my mom, Sharon).
Susan was thirteen years old,
A Real-Life Hero part of her teenage years. School
and she describes it as the best
came easy for her as she made
good grades. She listened to The
Beatles and the Bee Gees, went to
drive-in movies, had mood rings,
bell bottoms, miniskirts, blue eye
by Madison Robinson shadow, and loved Disco. She
enjoyed swimming, listening to
vinyl records and 8-track tapes.
“ amily isn’t just about whose blood runs through your veins. Currently, Susan enjoys arts
It’s about who never left your side, stood up for you and and crafts, any outdoor activity,
Fbelieved in you.” ~Adrian Body gardening, traveling, fishing,
campfires, collectibles, all animals,
concerts, cooking, and music.
It is a privilege to honor a special simpler time. She describes happy
senior in my life, my aunt, Susan moments in her childhood home, Susan has a kind heart and loves
Colvin Hayes. She has been by with black and white televisions, helping others. Susan’s wisdom
my side and believed in me since record players, lots of animals, about the world is encouraging.
I was born. I am blessed by her one bathroom, one garage, and She has shared some important
and forever grateful for all that one land line phone that everyone thoughts and insights with me:
she has done for me. Susan is not shared. Although there was not
only my aunt, but she has filled in much privacy, the home was filled •Always be honest and true to
as a grandparent, friend and role with security, happiness, and great yourself.
model. She has encouraged me memories.
with love and support, attending •Surround yourself with positive
many school functions over the Susan loved playing outside in the people who treat you with respect.
years, numerous volleyball games, neighborhood with friends and •Stop and think before speaking in
and award ceremonies. She has cousins. They would ride bikes, anger.
also always been there for me make clubhouses, run to the ice
when times were hard. Susan is cream truck, and come inside •Always act selflessly.
always in my corner, checks on only when the streetlights came
me daily, and encourages me to be on at night. She enjoyed spending •Make lasting memories and laugh
a better person. She lives her life time at her grandparents’ house, a lot.
with integrity and supports and walking to the park, playing the •Life is a journey.
loves her family deeply. guitar, running to TG&Y, going on
vacations to the mountains, and Of course, there are always
Susan grew up in Amarillo, Texas. on fishing trips. Susan attended obstacles in life. She calls them
She is very loyal to this town and Tascosa High School and Amarillo bumps in the road. Losing her
is proud that she has lived here all College. She remembers life as a parents, grandparents, and special
her life. When Susan describes life teenager, when she was becoming loved ones were her most difficult
growing up, it seems like a much more independent. She was times. She was raising a teenager
10 Amarillo Senior Link