Page 14 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 14
Barbara Bain it yourself.” Nana
lives by that maxim
Happy Days well. “People will
and teaches it as
forget what you said,
people will forget
with Nana what you did, but
people will never
forget how you
make them feel.”
She has always been
the person to find
the positive in every
by Raylee Bain situation. She never
asks for anything
in return. All she
wants is to bring a
hen asked to talk about light into somebody else's life and Every day, people come across
an individual who has
Wmade an impact on to make them walk away feeling situations that demand a decision.
Not one day has passed that I don’t
my life, there were a number of ask myself, “What would Nana
people who crossed my mind, but The quarantine supplied many do?” Her wise ways of doing
one particular person stands out. happy days, believe it or not. Most things and her dedication in each
Barbara Bain, Nana to me, has been of those were times I could spend situation to whole-hearted effort is
that constant influential person in with my Nana. From me doing her what makes my Nana so special.
my life. hair, because she liked the way I Everybody says she goes the extra
She was born June 27, 1938, in styled it, to her teaching me how to mile; if she didn’t put her all into it,
bake, to me trying to teach her how
Hale Center, Texas. She met my to work every source of technology it would never be good enough. I
“Poppy” when she was 17 and she has attempted, there was never want to be like this every day. The
married him when she was 19. a dull moment throughout our impact it has made on me has been
She and Poppy were married for quality time together. That 82-year- lifechanging.
56 years, and she never passes old woman sure does know how Throughout my school career,
up a time to say, “Gosh, he was to make an 18-year-old girl laugh. I have always been active in
so lucky, wasn’t he!” Nana and Her soft and welcoming voice feels extracurricular activities, whether
Poppy had three children, and she like home. that be on a volleyball court or
uses every opportunity to brag showing livestock show steers.
about their accomplishments. Nana has always been there with
Poppy passed away in 2013, but the proudest smile on her face. It
Nana made sure to carry on his kills her to miss any event I am
involved in, which shows how
She has never missed a Sunday much she genuinely cares for me
church service. She was an and what I do. It is so nice looking
elementary school teacher for 35 into a crowd full of people and
years, and throughout those years, seeing Nana’s contagious smile
she not only taught basic learning, supporting each of her grandkids.
but she also taught how to love Ever since I could remember, we
unconditionally and live each day had “Nana Camp” every summer
through Christ. Many remember with all eight grandkids. Nana
her words of wisdom. “If you Camp was the most memorable
want something done right, with and cherished time for each of
time and effort put into it, then do
us grandkids. It was the little
14 Amarillo Senior Link