Page 18 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 18
by Jelaine Workman
e had just moved back Gene was born May 28, 1939, in brother and sister, who came to
to Amarillo, and I was Abilene, Texas. His dad was a Amarillo to study in the church
Winvited to attend the minister, and his mother was a stay- school led by Gene’s father. They
Amarillo West Rotary Club. That at-home mom to the first three of convinced Gene that he should get
was the first time I ever met Pastor their eventual five children. Before acquainted with their little sister in
Gene Shelburne. He has such a he was old enough for school, Gene Phoenix. Gene and Nita courted by
soothing voice, and I was entranced got rheumatic fever and was in bed letter for seven years. They wrote
listening to him talk with the other for a year. He entertained himself to each other almost daily. Nita
members at the table. What I didn’t during that year listening to the and Gene married in 1959, and Nita
know then was that he is a man of radio. He attended first grade in stayed home until their last child
many talents and one of the most Abilene before his family moved to started school. Then she enrolled
caring people I would ever meet. Kerrville. He loved Kerrville and in the Amarillo College nursing
thought he would program. She worked at every one
always live there. of the hospitals in Amarillo, much of
that time as a surgical nurse.
But Gene was wrong
about staying in Gene studied engineering at
Kerrville. In 1953, Amarillo College. He enjoyed
his dad took a job in building and figuring out how
Amarillo and moved things worked together. He worked
the family north to on a construction crew with SPS,
the Panhandle. Not building substations. After digging
knowing anyone, holes and pouring concrete for one
Gene began writing summer, Gene knew that wasn’t
for the The Sandstorm what he was supposed to be doing.
(the Amarillo High God put it on his heart that he was
School paper) and to be a minister. He loved serving
served as editor for the Lord and helping people along
two years. He later the way. So, he began serious
wrote for The Ranger, pastoral studies at Abilene Christian
the Amarillo College College.
student newspaper.
In 1961, they moved to Phoenix
Gene met his wife to pastor a small church. He held
Nita through her revivals in churches from coast to
18 Amarillo Senior Link