Page 41 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 41
take the rental
home tonight?
Tomorrow, you
can drive to
Lubbock and
check on the
Volvo and turn
in the rental at
noon.” Relief
spread like jam
across Ted’s face.
Ted grinned,
“That would
work for me.
And tomorrow is
Paul’s birthday.
He’ll be in
Lubbock having
lunch with our
sister, Jane. He
can bring me to baptize twenty or so men at Joel Hemphill, a gospel
the Wheeler Unit in Plainview, songwriter, after a two-year bout
As Ted and I headed for we got a card from Jimmy and with depression, recovered and
Plainview, we were basking in friend, Linda. The note written wrote his most moving song. The
the afterglow of the detailed inside said that I got 51% and Ted first verse says this:
provision for us. A rental car got 49% -- of the card? Then the “I asked my dear Savior what He
available for us without cost and south door of Paul’s barn was had purchased at Calvary for me
a brother in Lubbock to transport raised, and there sat the 2006 when he died.
Ted home. Awesome! black Cadillac that had belonged
to Jimmy’s mom, a great car with For all my past and all my
Three weeks later, at a small only a little over 100,000 miles on problems, He just said that He
gathering of family and friends it. Jimmy had been told by God would provide.”
at our brother Paul’s spectacular in his sleep to give us that car,
barn, we celebrated October and we were just flabbergasted The chorus confirms it:
birthdays. Mine and Ted’s are ten and gratefully overwhelmed
days apart. Ted had mentioned by the gift. That has become a “Every need supplied, every need
to a high school classmate and ministry vehicle that has served supplied.
reconnected friend, Jimmy Ray, a us well. God’s love is best
Vietnam Marine combat veteran, revealed through His people. Healing, cleansing, peace deep
to be on the lookout for a vehicle inside, every need supplied!”
to replace the now defunct Volvo. God knows tomorrow, and He Thank you, Joel! Thank you,
He mentioned his mother’s foresaw the debilitating stroke I Brian! Thank you, Paul! Thank
Cadillac, but we were looking for would suffer seven months later. you, Jimmy!
a smaller, fuel economical car - A small car would have made
we thought. my mobility most difficult, if not And thank You, Jesus!
impossible. It was a blessing to
At the birthday gathering, a leave Northwest Hospital in a
few hours after we had gotten large, comfortable car.
Amarillo Senior Link 41