Page 39 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 39
Other people are responsible for I pity you. Some people advise mostly fools. Getting pregnant can
their own choices. They are not playing to your strengths and happen very quickly; legally and
obligated to finance yours. strengthening your weaknesses morally you will be responsible
with education and experience. I for the resulting little human for
This next chunk of advice is suggest that you do not become the next eighteen years of your life
something I never thought I obsessed with working on your – at least.
would be inclined to give; it is due weaknesses. If you are 5’ tall,
to the times we live in. Remember, your chances of becoming a For those who choose to go to
this comes under the heading of professional basketball forward college, remember financial aid
knowing yourself. When God are rather slim, no matter how loans must be paid off, and that
created the human reproduction includes interest. Sacrifice
method, it appeared rather simple, and work hard to avoid
straightforward, and almost them. Community colleges
humorous. Did he have any clue can provide an excellent
of how determined humans were foundation for a degree at a
to break rules and want to do much-reduced cost. If you
things their way? If, at this time are enrolling in college to
in your life, you are considering major in partying or getting a
transitioning or running out of MRS. degree, be sure and tell
your closet yelling, “Free at last”, your parents or the financial
please back off and allow your aid officer before you stick
body, emotions, and hormones your hand out for their cash.
time to settle down. You have just They also have the choice of
gone through puberty, and that whether or not to indulge
involves so many changes in such you.
a short period of time that many
teenagers walk around making Humans have so many
really dumb decisions. Live in choices. Some are for long
the adult body you were given for range plans, and others
several years before you try on a must be on the spot. A
large part of maturity is
different one. many hours you spend practicing accepting responsibility for your
II. Take a Stand. When you can your free shots. I accept that, choices. The people you choose to
clearly define what you want out with my extreme lack of musical associate with will appreciate you
of life, decide what you will have ability, I would be better off choosing to be a happy human
to do to get it. Be specific - being listening to music than horrifying being as you travel life’s road of
happy, successful, and rich are the world with my singing. choices.
way too vague. Many people However, I could be a music
don’t define what they consider historian, an archivist or a joyful
successful, nor do they determine noise maker. Ed. Note: Martha Jo is a member of
what they quantify as being rich. III. Get Real. Don’t base your life the Life Savers Writing Group at The
Monetary means are not the only choices on emotions, whims, or Continental (Park Central). She is a
source of richness. And being foolishness. Most big decisions retired History and English teacher
“rich” does not automatically will benefit from delaying long from Canyon High School and
equal happiness. Did you ever enough for prayer, research, Clarendon College.
read about Silas Marner or consultation with a trusted
Scrooge? Free Will is very seldom advisor or a cooling-off period.
free. You are accountable for your Don’t take on a mate and babies
choices. If you want to be rich, until you can support them. Love
regardless of how many lives seldom automatically conquers
you wreck or laws you break, all. Starry-eyed fools are still
Amarillo Senior Link 39