Page 45 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 45

has always had Godly women who      anyone can ask for specific prayer.
                                             step forward to make this required   These prayer requests are shared
                                             commitment!                         via email with each member of the
                                                                                 small group so the concerns can be
                                             It was decided early on that TBS    prayed over.  There is also a prayer
                                             yearly studies would always         box in the Chapel, and those prayer
                                             include lessons in both the Old and   requests are prayed over by the
                                             New Testaments. Lesson materials    leaders’ group.
                                             are gathered from various sources,
                                             such as the Navigators, the Karen   Everyone involved in TBS agrees
                                             Davis Studies and topical Bible     that the Lord’s hand has covered
                                             studies from Christian bookstores,   TBS for the past 40 years and
                                             etc.                                that TBS has been blessed by His
                                                                                 presence. The weekly attendance of
         during January through the first    TBS always begins September         TBS has maintained an average of
         week of April for the past 40 years.  registration with a guest speaker.   110 to 130 women. Every woman
                                             Some have been local Amarillo       has an opportunity to be involved
         After much thought and prayer,      outstanding Bible                                   in fellowship,
         the founders of TBS put together a   scholars. Others have                              discussion and
         leaders’ manual for guidance. Then   been noted authors,                                sharing.
         women from various churches         such as Jill Rhodes and
         were contacted to lead weekly       Cynthia Heald.                                      TBS is possible
         lessons for small groups of 12 to 15                                                    because of the
         ladies. Each small group meets for   In order to remain                                 willingness of
         a one-hour session with a leader    non-denominational,                                 women who
         and co-leader who facilitates the   TBS guidelines are                                  recognize and use
         discussion, answering questions     distributed to each                                 their talents and
         already studied by group members.   participant every                                   spiritual gifts.
         After small-group time, all gather   year with the lesson                               TBS has made
         in the First Christian Chapel for   notebooks wherein it                                an important
         a “wrap up” presentation on that    is stressed that no one                             contribution
         day’s lesson. With the Lord’s       mention or discuss                  to the Amarillo community, and
         blessing, TBS has maintained ten    specific churches, and political    its success lies solely in the fact
         small groups of women who have      topics and references are always    that Godly women (although
         faithfully attended for the past 40   to be avoided. TBS continues to   not perfect) believe in God’s
         years!                              respect and follow the original goal   perfect Word and His promises.
                                             of the founders: to be learners of   All who are involved strive for
         The leaders’ group is comprised     God’s Word and to leave TBS on      self-improvement, to present
         of 20 women who arrive each         Thursday prepared to witness and    themselves as more than converts
         Thursday by 9 AM, meet with         be effective leaders in our homes,   but as disciples who are called to
         their respective small groups, go   neighborhoods, the community,       learn, serve and tell others. Just as
         to Chapel, and then go into an      and the churches we attend.         Christ called disciples to go out
         additional session to pray and                                          into the world, we too are called.
         prepare the lesson for the following   There have been times when       We believe that the Bible is the
         week together. Volunteering to      women of TBS have gone back to      inspired Word of God, and that
         be in the leaders’ group requires   their home church and started their   His son, Jesus, was born, died, was
         at least a 3 ½ hour commitment      own study groups. This is good      buried, and was resurrected so that
         each Thursday in addition to        news because God’s Word is being    all who believe in Him might have
         time for study and preparation at   spread and studied!                 eternal life.
         home each week. Although not
         amazing, in all these years, TBS    Although TBS is not a prayer
                                             group, during small-group time

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