Page 24 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 24

surprise that women’s clubs were    in new writers from all over the   that time, no limits were set on
         popping up all over the country.    area. Many published authors get   which, or how many, categories
         The men’s and women’s clubs         their start by entering contests.  a writer could enter. She entered
         were quite different. The men’s                                        eight different ones and told her
         clubs provided a place to go after   This was true for Linda Broday,   friends she’d win in all. She went
         work and smoke cigars, get a        New York Times Best-Selling        to the event to hear the results.
         drink, and play a                            Author and PPW            The winners and honorable
         little poker or pool.                        member since 2001. She    mentions were announced for
         For the women’s                              had been submitting       each category, and one by one,
         clubs, the meeting                           her manuscript to         she neither won, nor received any
         was a social event                           publishers and getting    mentions. She left the meeting
         that occurred                                rejection after rejection.   without a single win. She recalled
         perhaps once a                               Then she heard about      going to the cemetery to clear her
         month in people’s                            a contest through         mind. She saw a quote chiseled
         homes. It involved                           Dorchester Publishers.    in the marble. “Triumph comes
         dressing up, having                          She sent a story in.      through perseverance.” It was just
         tea, and inviting                            Three weeks later, the    the encouragement she needed
         guests from other                            company called her to     to continue. Three years later,
         towns to travel in                           let her know they had     her first book, which had won
         by train and stay                            taken her out of the      nothing in the contests, went on
         in hotels. Just as                           contest because they      to be published and won a RITA,
         with the men’s club, members of     wanted to publish her right away.   the highest award for romance
         the Panhandle Pen Women were        She went on to publish three       fiction, according to the Romance
         required to be published.           books with them.                   Writers of America.

         As the years passed, more women     Linda has 27 published works       Jodi says her mentor, Loula Grace
         began to have full-time jobs. In    to date, and she still enters      Erdman, a mover and shaker in
         1983, meeting times were changed    contests, just to see how she      PPW, was the inspiration for so
         from Tuesdays to Saturdays. I had   measures up. Her reasoning:        many writers in Amarillo. They
         the opportunity to visit with some   “A lot of good feedback comes     first met at a writing class that
         of the members about what it was    from those contests.” You can      Loula Grace taught at the college.
         like then.                          enter through any of the national   Jodi followed Miss Erdman’s
                                             writers’ organizations                         example of helping
         Patsy Dawson joined in 1977,        or google “writers’                            young authors and,
         when it was still operating under   contests.” Other good                          just as Loula had
         the original name, Panhandle Pen    sources are through                            been, became Writer
         Women. She recently wrote about     Writers’ Digest, online,                       in Residence at West
         the club’s transitions, saying that,   or industry magazines,                      Texas A&M.
         in those years, “you had to have    like ‘Writers and
         something published and were        Poets.’                                        Phyliss Miranda
         voted on. Our meetings included                                                    mentored under
         a critique session . . .. Three     Jodi Thomas, another                           Jodi and is now a
         professional writers critiqued our   New York Times Best                           New York Times Best
         material. Every year, PPW held a    Selling Author, first                          Selling Author as
         conference.” Frontiers in Writing   got involved in PPW                            well. She owned
         was the name of the conference,     through their annual                           several businesses
         and there were yearly contests      contest. She had been working      and worked as a paralegal. All
         associated with it that brought     on a book for five years. At       she wanted to do was write a

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