Page 29 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 29
has been instrumental in many (Editor’s Note: You can see more about
fundraisers. Today, at 96, Rita still the Quilts of Honor in our Fall 2019
dances twice a week. Veterans’ edition.)
Another long-time dancer is Duffy I got interested in line dancing
Wiggins. Duffy is 95 years of age when, in 1997, I brought my mother,
and was born in Ohio. She is a Gladys Blackburn, to ASCA to see
WWII veteran, having served during if she would enjoy the dancing.
1944-45 in the WAVES. She met a She loved it so much, we both
Texan named Harrison while she joined that very day. Mom had
was in the service. Harrison loved Alzheimer’s but could still function
to tell people that Duffy chased at that time. We took lessons and
him and asked him to marry her. received our Community Hours
Duffy’s story is just the opposite. Certificates. Mom had only an
But it doesn’t matter who asked eighth-grade education and had
whom – they wed and together had never received any kind of certificate
four children: Sandra, who resides before. She framed it, and it hung in
in Maryland; Janice, who lives in her bedroom until she died. It was
Wildorado, Texas and is Duffy’s one of her greatest treasures. caregiver and dance buddy. Susan
caregiver; Ronnie, who lives in New has had several back surgeries and
Mexico; and Donnie, who lives in My mother was born Gladys believes line dancing has helped her
Tennessee. Coleman and met Arthur Blackburn maintain better balance. A member
when she was 16 years of the Swinging Senior Line Dancers
old. They married since 2000, Margie has been so much
and had four children: fun to travel with. She has always
Bill, Jimmy, Gary and been positive and made others feel
Charlene. She enjoyed good about themselves. Margie now
life and provided hours has Alzheimer’s. She continues to
of fun with us while dance, and we take care of her as we
growing up. As Mom took care of my mom. She can still
became less functional, do the old dances stored in her long-
the dancers helped keep term memory. She can no longer
her safe at ASCA by learn new dances, but she can still
making sure she didn’t move to the music. Dancing is still
leave the building, etc. one of her favorite activities, and she
She was their family is still encouraging others.
Duffy and Harrison dance on to care for when we were at the
Friday nights with the 45 Uppers Center. She finally had to move to These ladies and so many others
group. They joined ASCA and the Bivins Nursing Home, where she in our group are shining examples
Swinging Seniors in 1993. She too received excellent care. The dancers that people still have something
has served in many officer positions continued to visit Mom and would to contribute as they age. They
and always volunteers for any job dance for her and her friends at continue to dance because they
she can do. Duffy sells the most Bivins. Most of the dancers attended love it. It is great exercise and
raffle tickets each year for the quilt her funeral. I know she was smiling wonderful fellowship. We have
donated by the ASCA quilting down from heaven that day. I have dealt with death of members, heart
club, which is given away each continued line dancing for 23 years surgeries, hip replacements, knee
December. Although Duffy can no and have made many life-long replacements, cancer and other
longer dance, she goes each Tuesday friends. issues. But we’ve done it together.
and Friday to plan the dances and Our motto is: “You have to keep
play the music. Duffy was recently Margie Blades was born in Tonkawa, moving to stay healthy.” We love
presented a “Quilt of Honor” by OK. She had four children. Her dancing, and we love each other.
Cindy Gilbreth for her service. daughter, Susan Statser, is Margie’s There is nothing better.
Amarillo Senior Link 29