Page 31 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 31
three-room garage apartment for In October 1954, Ted had begun and the saddest time of their lives,
$30 a month. With no car and no his 41-year career with the Fort they were thankful that Janet
bicycle, they walked or rode the Worth and Denver Railroad as survived the fire.
bus everywhere they went. Six a brakeman. This rail company
months after they married, they became Burlington Northern After that tragedy, Ted and
purchased their first car - a 1947 Railroad and then bought the Charlena began volunteering
Chevy - and about two years later, Santa Fe Railroad to become the for Llano Cemetery’s Memorial
they started their family. BNSF Railroad. Ted retired in Day ceremony and their annual
April 1995 with several awards cleanup day. They continue to
Charlena had been born deaf for being a good, dependable serve this great organization each
in her right ear. When Teddy employee. Ted had only two year. Also, in memory of their
Louise was born June 27, 1953, jobs in his life, and Charlena was grandson, they built two planters
she too was deaf in her right ear. always a stay-at-home mom and in front of the Amarillo Senior
Barbara Jean was born December community volunteer. Citizens Association home at the
16, 1954, and Janet Lea was born, Polk Street Campus of Amarillo
profoundly deaf, on September 22, Teddy Louise, their first daughter, College. They not only built them
1959. had two children who were but have maintained them for the
both born profoundly deaf. past 26 years. Each season, they
They learned that Janet was deaf Their daughter Janet had a son lovingly plant new plants and
when she was about nine months named Rusty whom the Locks maintain them weekly.
old. There were no services in babysat during the day. The
Amarillo at the time for hearing little one became the mascot The Locks joined the Amarillo
impaired children, and Ted and for the Amarillo Senior Citizen Senior Citizens Association
Charlena wanted their daughter to Association Line (ASCA) in 1988 and continue to
have the best education possible. Dancers and
So, they began gathering with the Big Texan’s
other parents of children with Line Dancers.
hearing deficits at a house on His life ended
Adams St. As word got out about tragically at two
the meetings, more parents with and one-half
hearing-impaired children began years old in a
to come as well. They were home fire in
all committed to helping their April of 1993.
children learn. Soon they outgrew His mother,
the house on Adams. Lowell Janet, who is
Munday, the grandfather of a deaf profoundly
child, donated a house on South deaf, had slept
Fillmore. (Today, Jan Werner through the fire
Adult Day Care is located on the alarm. Janet
property where the Speech and herself was
Hearing organization began.) overcome with
The families were able to get some smoke and was
help for their children’s education on life support
in those early years, but the Locks for five days
finally felt it necessary to enable in the hospital.
Janet to attend a school for the Although
deaf in Austin. Charlena said it the loss of
was the hardest thing in the world their precious
to send their little girl off for grandson was
months at a time. overwhelming
Amarillo Senior Link 31