Page 21 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 21

neuropathy (nerve damage) because of   to care about. He grew close to the   reorganized   VIetnam War
        his exposure. He must still be careful in   family and eventually taught two of   the library,
        extreme weather conditions because he   her sisters as well. The sisters adopted   and found
        can’t feel heat or cold on                    him as a grandfather and    himself
        his hands or feet. After 12                   brought him into the family.    in the middle of most activities. He
        years of battling the VA,                     Their love and concern      maintains a small garden in the
        they finally granted him                      helped him stop the heavy   summer where he grows vegetables
        100% disability.                              drinking and lessened the   for himself and others. To top it off, in
        In order to cope with all                     times of depression. Today,   February, he was elected “King of the
        his problems, he did what                     he and the family go on     Clairmont” by his fellow residents.
        many veterans did - he                        cruises and other vacations   “Selfless” is a word that comes to
        turned to alcohol. Bouts                      together.                   mind when trying to describe Charles
        of heavy drinking and                         However, as Charles’ mental   Curfman. He has received a Purple
        depression became more                        health improved, his physical   Heart, two Bronze Stars, a “V” for
        and more the norm.                            conditions worsened, and    valor, and an army commendation
        When things looked darkest, Charles           he decided he needed a      for his service. He taught children for
        was sent four “angels”. Shereena     different home. He didn’t need a lot   many years and endeared himself
        came first, disguised as a fifth     of help, and he wanted to maintain   to many, all while battling ghosts of
        grader. She was followed by sisters   his independence. The Clairmont, an   the past and ailments of the present
        Christina, Christal and Shannen. He   independent living facility, gave him   and heroically putting the needs of
        and Shereena developed a strong      just that.  He gets three good meals a   others before his own.  The King of the
        connection. She had no father in the   day and has made lots of friends. Since   Clairmont has earned his title through
        picture, and Charles needed someone   his arrival, he has started a walking   a lifetime of service, loyalty and
                                             club, helped decorate doors and halls,   courage.

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