Page 20 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 20
Charles Curfman
A Soldier’s Reward
by Steve Lott
harles Curfman was one of were wounded accomplishing the
six children, all boys, born goal. Because of the 70% casualty cost,
Cto Lottie and Earl Curfman. the soldiers dubbed it “Hamburger
A typical small-town childhood Hill”.
ultimately prepared him for the trials Most of his tour was spent close to
he would face throughout his life. the demilitarized zone. It was a line
After graduating from a Catholic set up in 1954 to stop the fighting
high school in Keokuk, Iowa, Charles between the French and the North
attended Northeastern Missouri Vietnamese. It divided the country
State. After one year, he left for a until a settlement could be worked
year to teach at a local school. This out, but it became a hotbed for attacks
rewarded him in two ways: one, it from the Viet Cong. During one such
provided funds for him to finish assault, Charles was hit by rocket
college, and two, it allowed him fire. It left him with shrapnel in both
to discover a love of working with knees, a souvenir he carries with him
children. He returned to college and today. That should have been a simple and
added Education to his History and When his mother became very ill, fulfilling life for a dedicated man who
Government degrees. he was flown back to the states on had gone through so much. However,
While he was finishing his third year emergency leave. For a man who was the demons from Vietnam kept
of teaching in Corsicana, Texas, Uncle doing his duty for his country, he was raising their evil heads. He developed
Sam decided he needed his services. shocked at his reception at the airport flashbacks, nightmares, and bouts
At 25, his life took a turn that would in San Francisco. Crowds of people of depression and anxiety. It was
affect him for the rest of his life, spit on him, threw rocks, and called later diagnosed as Post Traumatic
physically and mentally. him “baby killer”, along with other Syndrome Disorder, a problem he still
In 1968, he was sent to Ft. Bliss for disgusting names. confronts.
basic training and then He was mustered out of He also found that the Viet Cong
on to Ft. Sill to train the Army in 1970, and his was not the only enemy in Vietnam.
with artillery. He was love for teaching took him Our own government, trying to
assigned to the 101st to Irving, Texas where he deprive the enemy of food and cover,
Airborne Company. In taught while using the employed “scorched earth” warfare,
Vietnam, his job was to GI Bill to get his Masters’ using powerful herbicides to eliminate
lay down cover for the degree at Stephen F. Austin. forest cover and crops for enemy
men on the front lines. In 1976, Charles moved troops. The chemical used the most
The Army decided a to Amarillo to teach at was dubbed “Agent Orange” by the
certain hill had to be Alamo Catholic School. soldiers. While the government knew
taken to stop attacks on When the school closed, of the dangers of Agent Orange, it
Hue and Danang. The he went to work for Bell was supposed to be used only in
position was only ten Helicopter, repairing the the North. However, because of
miles east of Laos and heavily fortified same aircraft he had seen in Vietnam. drifting and troops traveling through
by the Viet Cong. The hill proved After four years, he was able to return contaminated areas, soldiers were
extremely costly. After ten days and to teaching. Charles spent the next repeatedly exposed.
ten assaults, it was finally taken. One 18 years at Sunrise Elementary in Already battling PTSD, Charles
hundred soldiers were killed and 400 Amarillo. developed diabetes and peripheral
20 Amarillo Senior Link