Page 17 - Amarrilo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 17
Learning by Susie Akers
to Serve and gasoline
to deliver the
meals each
week. Even on
school holidays
Serving volunteer their community involvement
the students
to deliver
their route, because they
into college and beyond. The kids
to Bless understand their responsibility are learning lessons far above
to the clients who depend on
what they expected by delivering
someone to bring them a meal
MOW. Mr. Frazier commented
and provide a critical safety
check. that the lessons the students
learn by delivering MOW are
responsibility, civic involvement,
One of the MOW clients who and compassion. These
alk about a WIN – WIN! The
partnership between Meals became attached to the students characteristics will be carried with
Ton Wheels of Amarillo and was Mrs. King. She looked forward them long after they leave Caprock
Caprock High School is a winning to every Monday when they came High School.
program for everyone involved. to bring her meal.
Mrs. King made a
habit of hugging
For the past sixteen years, Caprock
High School Government Class each student
students have been delivering before they left
Meals on Wheels BSA route 18 her home, and the
every Monday. It all started in 2005 students loved it.
with their Government teacher, Mrs. King did this
Mr. Jeff Frazier, who wanted to for over ten years,
give his students the opportunity so hundreds of
to learn through service in their Caprock students
community. know the pleasure We deliver more than a meal.
they brought to a
90-year-old lady
Since 2005, about 60 students each
year have helped deliver BSA every Monday,
route 18, which adds up to over and they became
960 students. Many of the students very fond of her
have admitted they were a little as well. One year,
apprehensive at first, but after their a group of boys
first time delivering, they were discovered that it
“hooked” and couldn’t wait until it was Mrs. King’s
was their turn again. birthday, and they
bought her flowers
before returning to
BSA route 18 is located near
219 W. 7th Ave.
Caprock High School, so they school. Amarillo, TX 79101
are delivering to their neighbors (806) 374-1521
and sometimes even relatives. Many of these
The students use their own cars students continue
Amarillo Senior Link 17