Page 16 - Amarrilo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 16
Building the Future of by Susie Akers
Meals on Wheels in Amarillo
eals on
Wheels of
MAmarillo is
excited to announce
the completion of our
Capital Campaign
raising funds for a
new administrative
office. We are excited
to announce that we
have reached our goal
and will be breaking
ground very soon.
Our new offices will
be located in the
medical district near people our clients see each a person can live independently by
both BSA and Northwest Texas weekday. Delivering a hot shouldering some of the burden of
hospitals, where our meals are nutritious meal is vital to helping caring for oneself.
produced. Being located closer to seniors maintain their health.
the hospitals will be so much more Providing a critical safety check This organization has never
convenient, safer for staff, more and helping combat depression accepted money from a federal
appealing to clients and families, and loneliness are priceless services or state government agency, and
provide better visibility for MOW provides five days a week. we have never been a United
recruiting volunteers, and enable Way agency. We depend on the
us to continue to meet the needs of We have seen tremendous growth generosity of our community to
an aging population to serve more in our program in the last couple help us continue to provide the
seniors. of years. As baby boomers retire beneficial services so many seniors
in record numbers, and many rely on.
MOW of Amarillo was organized people from rural counties move
in 1971 by twelve local churches, 25 to Amarillo to be closer to our MOW of Amarillo has been taking
volunteers, and served 14 elderly wonderful medical facilities, we see care of our most vulnerable citizens
people. Nearly five decades later, an even greater need for MOW. for 48 years and we are planning,
our program feeds hot nutritious preparing, and positioning
meals to over 245 homebound Almost all seniors prefer to remain ourselves to become an even more
seniors with the support of over in their own homes as long as valuable community resource for
300 volunteers and 26 routes possible. Many have beloved pets Amarillo’s homebound seniors.
located all across Amarillo. they don’t want to leave behind to We invite everyone to join us in
Often, our friendly, caring move into costly nursing facilities, celebrating the next chapter in our
volunteer drivers are the only which they often can’t afford. history.
Meals on Wheels extends the time
16 Amarillo Senior Link
Amarillo Senior Link