Page 11 - Amarrilo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 11
wondered how Grandma Aggie Throughout the difficult times in Here is to my dearest Grandma
stayed so selfless and meek. It her life, my grandma has continued Aggie, being cancer free, and
did not take long for me to begin to love unconditionally. She hopes inspiring me to love and believe
admiring her values; family, faith, to pass down the significance through any hardships I may face.
and love. As a two-time cancer of treating others the way you Here is to being a role model and
survivor, Grandma Aggie has would like to be treated and loving an illustrious figure in my life. You
demonstrated the importance without limits. These are already have inspired me to remain true to
of persistence and faith through things that shine through her who I am. You have inspired me to
trials in life. Her attitude and and have been prominent in my be a part of something greater than
commitment to do what was right relationship with her. myself. I love you forever.
are etched into my mind forever.
Article Submitted by
Allison Gross, a senior at Amarillo High School, is involved in National Honor Society
and PROStep Internship. Interning at PROStep Rehab, Allison assists and observes
Speech therapy and Occupational therapy. Allison can be found, nights and weekends,
working at Joe Taco. Her plans next Fall include attending West Texas A&M University
and studying Communication Disorders. Allison dreams of impacting others’ lives as
Speech/Language Pathologist.
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Amarillo Senior Link 11