Page 52 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 52

Dick Johnson                        Communications

                                                               in Korea

                                                               by Jelaine Workman

                                                           and he took that
                                                           At the beginning
                                                           of his tour, he was
                                                           a message sender.
                                                           He liked the job
                                                           and soon moved
                                                           into the radio
                                                           team, which
                                                           required him to
                                                           also be part of the
                                                           wire crew, laying
                                                           out lines and
                                                           climbing poles
                                                           to install wires
                                                           to connect the
                                                           Part of the
                                                           job of the
                 eople who have served this                communications
                 great nation generally had    team was to help organize the
            Pa specific job during their       USO shows. Dick was in charge
            tour of duty, each important and   of keeping the stage warm. Even   Dick had to quickly call in a cease
            interdependent on others. Dick     though there were heaters on      fire to stop the friendly fire.
            Johnson joined the Marines in      the stage, the temperatures were
            1953 during the Korean War. As     frigid, and, often, an entertainer   On one occasion, the company
            many Marines did, he went to       got sick. However, that wasn’t    houseboy, who was about 12 – 13
            San Diego, CA for boot camp,       the worst challenge the           years old, said he would draw
            then on to Camp Pendleton          communications team faced.        Dick’s picture. He did so, and
            for combat training. It was                                          Dick said it was a great drawing.
            there that he had a chance to      On July 27, 1954, the base camp   He asked the boy for it, but the
            go to communications school,       got a radio call that there were   boy would not give it to him.
                                                               problems, so      Instead, he drew a second one for
                                                               some of the       Dick to send home. Later, the boy
                                                               team headed       was caught crossing the line and
                                                               to the base to    was shot as a North Korean spy.
                                                               help. While       He had been drawing pictures
                                                               there, a cup      of the soldiers and keeping a
                                                               was knocked       journal to hand to the Korean
                                                               off a ledge in    army.
                                                               a bunker. It
                                                               sounded like a    Dick was born to Lloyd and
                                                               shot, and that    Katherine Johnson on May
                                                               caused the        13, 1935. He attended several
                                                               men inside to     schools in Amarillo where his
                                                               begin shooting.   father, Lloyd, was a Coca Cola

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