Page 49 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 49



                                                American Legion

                                                 Contributed by Don Sherman and Edited by Jelaine Workman

                                                                In September      substantially improved education
                                                                1966, the Legion   benefits.
                                                                voiced great
                                                                concern over      In July 2019, President Trump signed
                                                                the fate of       the Let Everyone Get Involved in
               he American Legion was                           prisoners-of-     Opportunities for National Service
               chartered by Congress in                         war in Vietnam.   – the LEGION Act – which extends
          T1919. Focusing on service                            Today, the        recognized wartime service to cover
          to veterans, servicemembers                           Legion urges      previously unrecognized periods
          and communities, the Legion evolved   a full accounting of all POWs     of U.S. military conflict.  More than
          from a group of war-weary veterans   and troops missing in action and   1,600 Americans were killed or
          of World War I into one of the most   has formed an elite group from    wounded in armed hostilities during
          influential, nonprofit groups in the   among the nation’s major veterans’   periods not previously recognized
          United States. Membership swiftly   organizations to continue pressing   as wartime. The act allows veterans,
          grew, and local posts spread across   for further resolution of the issue.  who served outside of a previously
          the country. Today, membership                                          designated war era, to join the
          stands at nearly two million on more   The Legion presented, in April 1982,   American Legion.
          than 13,000 posts worldwide.        a $1 million check to the Vietnam
                                              Memorial Fund for construction of   For more than 100 years, the
          Over the years, the Legion has      the Wall in Washington, becoming    American Legion has lobbied for
          influenced considerable social change   the largest single contributor to the   adequate funding to cover medical
          in America, won hundreds of benefits   project. In July of that same year, the   care, disability, education, and other
          for veterans, and produced many     Legion announced its sponsorship    benefits for veterans. They have
          important programs for children     of an independent study on the      pushed for better mental health care
          and youth. In the 1920s, their efforts   effects of exposure to Agent Orange   for returning veterans. They have
          resulted in the creation of the U.S.   on Vietnam War veterans. Congress   lobbied to protect the U.S. flag from
          Veterans Bureau, forerunner of the   received the results of the “American   physical desecration and encouraged
          Veterans Administration.            Legion – Columbia University Study   Congress to pinpoint the impact that
                                              of Vietnam-Era Veterans” in 1989.   Agent Orange had on our Vietnam
          In December 1943, the Past National                                     veterans. Their efforts on Capitol
          Commander, Harry W. Colmery,        Following the terrorist attack on   Hill have significantly impacted
          wrote (in longhand on Mayflower     September 11, 2001, the Legion      the Disabled Veterans Tax and the
          Hotel stationery in Washington) the   created a scholarship fund for    Military Family Tax Relief Act.
          first draft of what later become the   children of military members
          “GI Bill of Rights”, considered the   killed in active duty on or after   The American Legion has
          Legion’s single greatest legislative   the attack. Beginning on the one-  endeavored to fulfill its mission
          achievement. It was signed into     year anniversary of the attack, the   of enhancing the well-being of
          law in June 1944 by President       American Legion took the lead on “A   America's veterans, their families,
          Franklin D. Roosevelt. This ushered   Day to Remember” events.          our military, and our communities by
          in monumental changes for U.S.                                          their devotion to mutual helpfulness.
          veterans and their families. The GI   President George W. Bush signed   All Americans owe a debt of
          Bill provided better jobs, making   into law the Post-9/11 Veterans     gratitude, not only to our active-duty
          it easier for veterans to purchase   Education Assistance Act in        military and our veterans but also
          houses and raise families. For every   June 2009, a next-generation GI   to organizations like the American
          dollar spent on educating veterans,   Bill strongly supported by the    Legion who exist solely to advocate
          the U.S. economy eventually gets $7   Legion. The Bill renews the federal   on their behalf.
          back.                               government’s commitment to
                                              veterans by providing them with

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