Page 23 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021 - Online Magazine
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were assigned to pick up two wounded
children. One was a young boy, about four years
old, who had lost both legs and an arm when he
tripped a booby trap in his own backyard. The other
was the boy’s younger sister, who was missing an
arm and a leg. After hundreds of evacuations,
sadly, this one remains in his memory as his final
mission in Vietnam.
When he was discharged from the Army, he returned
to Denver. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to
do, but a medic he had flown with encouraged him to
attend college. He registered at the University of New
drafted right out of med school. They may not have Mexico and began studying for a business degree.
had experience, but they did what they had to do to While he was at UNM, he was introduced to his
save soldiers. future bride, Jenny, on a blind date. He was invited
Paul served in Vietnam for two tours, which to attend a study group where a friend encouraged
amounted to 19 months. While there, his ships went him to go out with the very pretty girl. Paul was
down five times; each time they were able to get hesitant but went on the date, and the rest is history.
back to their base and repair the ship for the next While in school, Paul also worked 60 to 70 hours per
mission. He knew that he had to keep his ships week at Allwoods, a lumber and hardware store, as
in top-notch shape; his crew’s lives depended on the assistant manager.
it. While his ship was shot up numerous times, and
many of his fellow crew members were wounded, After he graduated, he got into the car business. He
Paul was never hit. came to Amarillo on January 1, 1982, with John
Chandler to serve as the General Manager of John
He received 18 Air Medals for over 475 combat Chandler Ford. He remained in the car business until
missions. He also received a medal, with a V for his retirement. At the age of 40, Paul got his flying
Valor, from the General who commanded the 44th license for both airplanes and helicopters.
Medical Brigade, after one of his flights was shot
down, but it never made it onto his record. However, Paul and Jenny have two children and six
Paul has the medal and the picture of the General grandchildren. Both of his children, Daniel and
pinning it on him; that’s all that matters to him. Amy, attended Notre Dame. His son earned a law
degree from Duke, and his daughter worked for a
Frequently, when a
soldier’s tour was
near completion, he
would be assigned
a less dangerous
job. Five weeks before
the end of his second
tour, Paul stopped
flying and worked in
air-traffic control at
the Dustoff helipad.
His last flight is
etched in his memory
forever. They
Amarillo Senior Link 23