Page 11 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 11


             He was ready to take on the challenge of serving his   adopted unanimously. “Biden has been coordinating
             country in a new way and launched a campaign for    with Taliban terrorists already, and I'm not going to
             the U.S. Congress. In November of 2020, Jackson was   sit around to see how bad it'll get,” Jackson said.
             elected by the people of Texas’ 13th Congressional
             District, which includes the Panhandle and North    Jackson is clearly passionate about defense issues,
             Texas. He was sworn in on January 3, 2021. Jackson   and he also says that veterans’ issues are among his
             serves on the House Armed Services and Foreign      chief priorities. He has pledged to use his voice in
             Affairs Committees. He is also Co-Chair of the Texas   Congress to demand nothing but the best for those
             Agriculture Task Force and a member of Republican   who live in our area, especially for the American
             Whip Steve Scalise’s Whip Team.                     heroes who have served our country in the United
                                                                 States military. Since taking office in January,
             Most recently, through his work on the House Armed   Jackson has made it his mission to ensure that the
             Services Committee, Jackson led and advocated       promises made to our heroes are promises kept. “I
             for major legislative victories for our district in the   understand the commitment and sacrifices made by
             annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)    our servicemen and women to protect our country,”
             markup. Notably, his amendment to support the       Jackson said. “I believe it is our duty in Congress
             workforce at Pantex in Amarillo passed which will   to provide them with the highest level of care, and
             ensure Amarillo remains a critical part of the U.S.   anything less is a dishonor to their sacrifice.” It has
             nuclear security enterprise for generations to come,   not taken Jackson long to execute this mission.
             according to Jackson. Overall, Jackson says this year’s
             NDAA goes a long way to modernize the U.S. nuclear   He understands that many veterans have trouble
             triad, which is important considering every nuclear   with the Department of Veterans Affairs due to
             weapon in the arsenal is assembled at Pantex in     unnecessary bureaucracy. On top of working on
             Amarillo.                                           legislation to address this in Washington, Jackson has
                                                                 equipped his teams in Amarillo and Wichita Falls to
             Jackson also succeeded in securing funds for other   assist veterans with issues pertaining to the VA.
             defense programs conducted in the Texas Panhandle.
             “This funding will prevent layoffs and ensure more   On February 24, 2021, he led five of his fellow Texas
             projects in the short term so that our district is   colleagues in sending a letter to the Archivist of
                                             competitive for     the United States demanding that he address the
                                             DoD contracts in    significant backlog of records requests for veterans.
                                             the long term,”     “Providing records in a timely manner is the least the
                                             Jackson said.       federal government can do for the men and women
                                                                 who have selflessly served our country,” Jackson said.
                                             In relation to      “Records requests are so backlogged at this point
                                             recent events       that many veterans have been waiting for a year to
                                             in Afghanistan,     apply for VA benefits, and it is unacceptable to let
                                             Jackson’s           bureaucracy effectively block veterans from accessing
                                             amendment to        the benefits they sacrificed greatly for.”
                                             prevent President
                                             Biden from          Additionally, on July 13, 2021, he introduced
                                             transporting        legislation to modernize VA infrastructure by
                                             American money      extending the federal CHIP IN (Communities
                                             or any other        Helping Invest through Property and Improvements
                                             item of value to    Needed for Veterans) pilot program. This extension
                                             the Taliban was     would allow the VA to accept donations from non-

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