Page 31 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 31

SENIOR RESOURCES                               SENIOR RESOURCES

            What'S on your heart...

               WHY VOLUNTEER?

            by: Jelaine Workman               Bible School, youth groups and     is a great place to help.  Do you
                                                                                 like children?  There are many,
                                              fund-raising with the youth of the
                                              church. She served her churches    many places that have volunteer
                  ver the years, I have heard   until she passed away last year.    opportunities to help serve
                  from many people who        The one thing she did that I could   children, such as Big Brothers
           Oknew what they wanted to          hardly believe was that, in her 70s   Big Sisters; Make A Wish; the
           do when they retired: travel, find   and early 80s, she still helped with   Amarillo Zoo; CASA.   Then
           a new hobby, build things, join a   Vacation Bible School.            there are opportunities to serve
           club. But I never put together such   Volunteering may not come       the older population.  Meals on
           a plan; I thought I would work     naturally.  You might have to      Wheels serves more than 200
           forever. Then life happened, and I   convince yourself that giving your   meals a day; they need people to
           realized, there is so much more to   time to others for their benefit   make those deliveries and check
           life than work. It took me way too   is a good thing.  But you’ll find   on the people in their homes.
           long to figure this out, but when   that you will reap some benefits   I could go on and on, but I think
           I did, I retired.  Oops – no plan   yourself.  When you volunteer     you get the idea.  The Baby
           – so, I have been shooting from    your time, you get so much back    Boomer generation grew up
           the hip day to day, as they say.  I   in return.  It makes your heart feel   learning about volunteering.
           still don’t know what to do with   fuller.  It can fill a void that your   Somehow, we’ve lost that a bit
           myself all day every day.          job and family filled for many     in recent years.  We see students

           Then I took a good long look at    years. And it’s fun.               who get in trouble at school
           myself in the mirror and said,     The Retired and Senior Volunteer   required to do community service;
           “Self, what have you taught,       Program is an organization         that makes it feel like punishment
           preached, encouraged and loved     that is sponsored by Panhandle     instead of a privilege. Or the
           for your entire working life?      Community Services. They help      students in Student Council or
           Volunteerism!”  Duh!  I decided    match up volunteers in areas       Honor Societies are required to
           I needed to listen to what I have   where there is a need with the    get so many hours of community
           been talking to people about for   person who has an interest in      service. Again, mandated.
           more than 40 years.                the mission of the organization.   Volunteering has a rich history

           I don’t think it really matters    Or there is Hands on Amarillo,     in America.  Farmers helped
           where you volunteer; it just needs   which is a local organization that   their neighbors bring in the
           to be somewhere that provides      does the same thing.  Non-profits   crops or build a new barn when
           a service that you are passionate   give a list of their needs to both   the neighbor was in need.  Men
           about.  I watched my mom           of these organizations, who then   from Tennessee hiked across the
           provide hospital service hours     work to find the volunteers that   country to come help Texans
           for close to 30 years. She loved   can help.                          at the Alamo.  The Red Cross
           being at the hospitals where she   How do I begin, you might ask?     provided food and care to families
           volunteered, making some of        Think of something you have        during the Depression.
           her best friends while serving     always wanted to try, something    So, if you have a few hours a week
           the community. She served          you never did when you were        that you find yourself twiddling
           as president, vice president,      working.  There are many           your thumbs, maybe it’s time to
           secretary, and on and on at several   organizations in the Panhandle   find a place to volunteer.  Really –
           hospitals she gave her time to.    area that need volunteers.  For    only a few hours a week can give

           She also volunteered at her        instance … do you like to garden?    you a whole new attitude toward
           church. She helped with Vacation   Then Amarillo Botanical Gardens    life.

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