Page 32 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 32
Jerry Martin Back Home in Amarillo
by Jerry Martin
Life as a teenager was great in after intensive training at Sandia
Amarillo; everyone was friendly, Base, I was assigned to an Army
with none of the mischief we depot with more training and
have today. I attended Amarillo experience. I was then assigned
High and graduated in the class to headquarters US Army
of 1956. I was a member of the Europe in Heidelberg, Germany
Civil Air Patrol from the age of where I was a member of a very
12 through 1957. I dreamed of small team tasked to conduct
being a pilot in the Air Force and inspections of American Army
took the week-long testing to units storing weapons in support
become a pilot. Of the 23 men of our various NATO military
taking the tests at Sheppard Air units.
Force Base, I was one of three
who successfully passed. I was called into the Colonel’s
office, and he asked, “Where
Upon arriving home, Flo, my would you want to move?” I
fiancée, met me at the plane; said, “I am happy with this
when she heard that I had assignment.” He said we really
passed, she began crying because didn’t have a choice, and he
had the good fortune to be she had just recently seen a let me read a letter from the
born in Amarillo at the old movie about a test pilot who had Pentagon stating that, if I wanted
ISt. Anthony’s Hospital in been killed in a crash. She was to make General, I would have
1937. My great grandfather afraid I would become a test pilot to have troop duty. I then said,
homesteaded here, and his and crash and be killed also. We “If I have a choice, I would like
land was between Mirror and talked about it, and I declined the to be assigned to an ordnance
Grand. My childhood home opportunity. company in
was at 804 N. Woodland, part I married my Greece.” He
of the homestead. Each time my sweetheart intercepted a
parents had another baby, my Florence in Captain whose
grandfather would add another 1956. We have ship had stopped
bedroom on the house. I was been married in Italy and
the third child of four. Our home for 63 years transferred
faced the giant grain elevators, and continue him to North
and we would sit on the front to enjoy our Germany and
porch swing and watch the long marriage. gave me the
lines of grain trucks waiting I attended Captain’s job in
to unload the wheat. Later, I West Texas Athens, Greece.
became a young entrepreneur, State. I was in We were there
selling lemonade to the truck ROTC and was for the rest
drivers for a nickel a glass, with commissioned of my tour of
everyone drinking from the as a 2nd Lieutenant in the active duty. We
same glass. That would NEVER Army. I was selected to be a made the decision to leave active
happen today! nuclear weapons officer, and duty even though we had great
experiences while on active duty,
32 Amarillo Senior Link