Page 28 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 28
Boyce Bryan Agriculture, the Army
and Auditory Ability
By Gayle Willson
from North Korea. That was in his world. Noise-induced
the first time he’d seen quilted hearing loss occurs when the
military uniforms; he was that nerve cells in the cochlea are
close. President Donald Trump permanently damaged by being
recently shook hands with Kim over exposed to sounds louder
Jong Un at the very location Mr. than 85 decibels over time. “Some
Bryan guarded in 1954. 1 billion people worldwide are
at risk for hearing loss due to
One of the highlights of his tour exposure to loud sounds.” 1 A
was when Debbie Reynolds came normal conversation is about
to perform for the troops. Mr. 60 dB. This is not damaging,
Bryan was assigned to her safety. but a motorcycle can reach 100
He led the procession to Seoul for dB and a power saw 110dB.
her team. He has a photo taken
with her, although he was not
able to attend her performance.
After his time in Korea was up
in 1955, he returned home to his
bride and began his education at
Texas Tech, studying agronomy
and eventually getting his Master
of Science in Agriculture. He is
r. Bryan was born in thankful for the fellowship from
1933 and raised in TTU, his job at the soil lab, June’s
MRalls, Texas. Later, teaching salary, and the GI Bill,
his family moved to Plainview, that got him through TTU in four
where he grew up farming. years. Boyce and June moved to
Boyce had plans of becoming an Plainview to farm in 1973. He
agronomist and a Red Raider. then began Boyce Bryan Realtors,
He met a beautiful “ticket taker” where he worked until he
at the movies and married her in retired. June and Boyce have two
August 1953. Boyce was farming, daughters, Leigh Bryan Crane
June was teaching English and (Tim) of Lubbock and Susan
Speech in Ralls and two months Bryan Binford (Joe) of Toronto,
later, November 1953, Boyce was Canada, three granddaughters,
drafted. He was shipped to the and two great grandchildren.
8th Army Compound in Seoul, June passed away 2015. Teens listening to an iPod with
Korea, where he trained to be a ear buds expose their hearing
Private 1st Class MP (Military Mr. Bryan suffers from a nerve to 100 decibels or more.
Police). One of his duties on the profound hearing loss from Other types of hearing loss
border between North and South noise exposure. The loud dB are in our genes, and heredity
Korea, in Panmunjom, was to sounds from the military and plays a big part, depending on
guard the Quonset huts where from farming have caused him the generations before us and
negotiations were taking place. to wear two hearing aids. He how their DNA is manifested.
He would go in one direction and also commented, though, that at Some are more prone to the
meeting him from the opposite night, it is very easy to fall asleep, loud sounds affecting them
direction would be the guards when the devices come off, than others. Another factor is
because it gets very, very quiet the length of time a person is
28 Amarillo Senior Link